The Influence of Inhaled Ketone Solvent Vapors on Hepatic Microsomal Biotransformation Activities

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In studies conducted to determine the effects of inhaled ketone (methyl n-butyl ketone, MBK; methyl ethyl ketone, MEK) solvent vapors on hepatic microsomal oxidative and reductive enzyme activities in rats, groups of young male Wistar rats were housed in environmental chambers and exposed to solvent vapors (MBK, 225 ppm; MEK, 750 ppm; MBK, 225 ppm/MEK, 750 ppm). Hexobarbital sleep times were significantly reduced following exposure to MBK/MEK or MEK, but MBK exposure did not alter sleep time measurements. Aniline hydroxylase, aminopyrine demethylase, Neoprontosil reductase, and p-nitrobenzoate reductase activities were significantly enhanced two- to threefold over control values.
