Length of Male and Femaie Friendship and Perceived Intelligence in Seff and Friend
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The Self-Rating Scale of intelligence :SRSF} and the Otis intelligence test were administered to 20 pairs each of same-sex long-acquaintance males and females and 12 pairs each of same-sex short-acquaintance males and females. The S'RSI. provided subjects with the opportunity to make intelligence attributions to self, friend, and idea; friend and to provide the expected rating of self by the friend and people-in-general. Significant positive correlations were obtained from relating the wiihinperson perceptions, while nonsignificant correlations were obtained from the relation of perceptions and objectively measured intelligence between friends. Self-concept support from the friend and from people-in-general were the more significant relationships identified across.groups.
Citation Information
Bailey, Roger C.; Digiacomo, Robert J.; and Zinser, Otto. 1976. Length of Male and Femaie Friendship and Perceived Intelligence in Seff and Friend. Journal of Personality Assessment. Vol.40(6). 635-640. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15327752jpa4006_12 PMID: 1003321 ISSN: 0022-3891