"Proctitis: An Unusual Presentation of Strongyloides Stercoralis Infest" by K. R. Reddy and E. Thomas

Proctitis: An Unusual Presentation of Strongyloides Stercoralis Infestation

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A hospitalized patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, while on steroid therapy, developed severe rectal pain and tenesmus, associated with crampy hypogastric pain and constipation. Severe proctitis was diagnosed by proctosigmoidoscopy. He failed to respond to symptomatic therapy. Larvae of Strongyloides were detected in his stool. Thiabendazole therapy resulted in rapid and complete subsidence of the proctitis. It is likely that steroid therapy precipitated the condition. In endemic areas, rectal symptoms in patients on steroids should draw the clinician's attention to the possibility of Strongyloidiasis.

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