Acute Appendicitis in an Adult With Two Separate Vermiform Appendices

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A case is reported in an adult woman, aged 35 years, with the two separate vermiform appendices, each arising from a separate cecum. This anomaly was discovered at the time the patient was operated upon for acute appendicitis and was found to be associated with a complete duplication of the colon and the terminal ileum. Except for symptoms of acute appendicitis, the patient, at no time previously, had any symptoms referrable to the hind-gut duplication. An analysis of previously reported cases, as well as from our limited experience, suggests that a patient with a duplication of the hind-gut, whether an infant or an adult, should have a complete investigation of the gastrointestinal tract and, of more importance, the genitourinary system in order to avoid the overlooking of associated anomalies that might be corrected.
