"Peruvian Population Policy Under Garcia" by Lon S. Felker

Peruvian Population Policy Under Garcia

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Population policy in Peru has long been neglected. In the mid- to late 1980s, however, the Garcia Perez government initiated a number of policies in the area of family planning. The government of President Alan Garcia Perez gave increasing attention to the problem of population growth in the course of the 1980s. Garcia linked the population issue tohis oft-proclaimed concern for the Peru of the year 2000. The median hypothesis was based on the assumed reduction in Peruvian fertility rates over the next forty-five years. The Peruvian projections to the year 2000 were predicated on similar logic. The educational program of the Garcia government was perhaps its most ambitious program. One positive factor in the population policy calculus was the entry of elements of the Peruvian Catholic Church into the ranks of those proposing concrete measures for family planning and responsible parenthood.
