"African American and Latino Relations in Hamblen County." by Connie O'Vercum

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Degree Name

MALS (Master of Arts in Liberal Studies)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Marie Tedesco

Committee Members

Ardis L. Nelson, Richard Blaustein


I conducted this study to investigate the type of relationship that exists between African Americans and Latinos in Hamblen County. My research consisted of three discussion groups. One group consisted of nine African Americans and the two additional groups consisted of five Latinos. After analyzing the results of my research, I found that my results agreed with much of the scholarly studies that denoted some conflict among Latinos and the African Americans but little evidence of adverse effects on the economic and social status of the African Americans due to the increased Latino population in Hamblen County.

I used the qualitative research method because as Uwe Flick states, “the qualitative research method extends the scope of data collection while creating an interact ional setting that comes closer to everyday life than the interviewer and interviewee or narrator permits.”1 I also used relevant literature and information gathered through the discussion groups.

Document Type

Thesis - restricted


Copyright by the authors.
