"Virtual Production in Unreal Engine 5: Tools for the Game and Film Ind" by Hannah Hogan

Streaming Media

Degree Name

MFA (Master of Fine Arts)


Digital Media

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Jacy Richardson

Committee Members

Chris Wilson, James Livingston


Virtual Production (VP) blends both the game and film industries with the use of Unreal Engine. This thesis explores how Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) bridges the gap between these fields, providing powerful tools for both film projects and immersive experiences. The research examines UE5's capabilities, including real-time rendering, photorealistic environments, and immersive set design, and demonstrates how game and film production workflows intersect. This study focuses on three case studies highlighting how VP tools can be used in district ways: immersive gameplay, film production, and creating engaging video game trailers. Finally, this research explores the advantages of the diverse ways these tools can be used, particularly how both game and film artists can leverage virtual production (VP) and Unreal Engine in their workflows.

Case Studies:

Selected Images

Document Type

Culminating Experience


Copyright by the authors.

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