"Forging a Niche: Preparing Models for the Animation Pipeline in a Chan" by Grayson Wiles

Degree Name

MFA (Master of Fine Arts)


Digital Media

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Marty Fitzgerald

Committee Members

Greg Marlow, Sarit Somasa


This culminating experience shows a complete and comprehensive skill set in the animation pipeline using three diverse 3D models: Baba Yaga, the Orc, and the Roo Fighter. This work includes reposing, retopology, UV mapping, texturing, and rigging. Each model was selected for its unique attributes and challenges, showing versatility in anatomy, efficiency, and communication. Spurred on by a dubious job market and the improvement of AI tools, this project showcases the author's capabilities to fulfill multiple roles in the animation pipeline, providing an advantage for employment in the digital media industry.

Document Type

Culminating Experience


Copyright by the authors.

CulminatingPresentation_Grayson Wiles.pdf (432123 kB)
PDF version

CulminatingPresentation_Grayson Wiles.pptx (390067 kB)
PowerPoint version
