Utilizing a Caenorhabditis elegans Model to Examine Alcaligenes faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus Interactions


D.P. Culp Center Ballroom

Start Date

4-5-2024 9:00 AM

End Date

4-5-2024 11:30 AM

Poster Number


Name of Project's Faculty Sponsor

Sean Fox

Faculty Sponsor's Department

Health Sciences

Classification of First Author

Undergraduate Student

Competition Type



Poster Presentation

Presentation Category


Abstract or Artist's Statement

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that is a component of the normal skin flora of humans; however, when this bacterium is introduced to the bloodstream or internal tissues, it can act as a deadly pathogen. This ranks S. aureus as one of the leading pathogens in humans, causing infections in the skin, soft tissue, or bloodstream of humans. Our laboratory has recently discovered that the Gram-negative bacterium Alcaligenes faecalis, a flagellated bacteria found in the vertebrate intestinal tract, soil, water, and other environments, inhibits the growth of S. aureus in both planktonic and of biofilms environments. A model system for examining infectious disease, Caenorhabditis elegans, is a microscopic translucent nematode that demonstrates an innate immune system. It is well documented that S. aureus is infectious to and eventually kills C. elegans. To better understand the polymicrobial interactions of S. aureus and A. faecalis in an in-vivo model, our research focused on developing this polymicrobial interaction within C. elegans. Our results indicate that both S. aureus and A. faecalis can be sustained within C. elegans and may promote the survival of C. elegans infected with S. aureus. There were notable differences in survival of C. elegans when co-infected with S. aureus and A. faecalis when compared to C. elegans infected with S. aureus alone at twenty-four hours. Additionally, differences in survival were observed at forty-eight hours and further timepoints from infection in mono verses co-culture infections. This research demonstrates the utility of C. elegans in understanding polymicrobial interactions and may lead to potential new therapeutic options when combating S. aureus infections.

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Apr 5th, 9:00 AM Apr 5th, 11:30 AM

Utilizing a Caenorhabditis elegans Model to Examine Alcaligenes faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus Interactions

D.P. Culp Center Ballroom

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that is a component of the normal skin flora of humans; however, when this bacterium is introduced to the bloodstream or internal tissues, it can act as a deadly pathogen. This ranks S. aureus as one of the leading pathogens in humans, causing infections in the skin, soft tissue, or bloodstream of humans. Our laboratory has recently discovered that the Gram-negative bacterium Alcaligenes faecalis, a flagellated bacteria found in the vertebrate intestinal tract, soil, water, and other environments, inhibits the growth of S. aureus in both planktonic and of biofilms environments. A model system for examining infectious disease, Caenorhabditis elegans, is a microscopic translucent nematode that demonstrates an innate immune system. It is well documented that S. aureus is infectious to and eventually kills C. elegans. To better understand the polymicrobial interactions of S. aureus and A. faecalis in an in-vivo model, our research focused on developing this polymicrobial interaction within C. elegans. Our results indicate that both S. aureus and A. faecalis can be sustained within C. elegans and may promote the survival of C. elegans infected with S. aureus. There were notable differences in survival of C. elegans when co-infected with S. aureus and A. faecalis when compared to C. elegans infected with S. aureus alone at twenty-four hours. Additionally, differences in survival were observed at forty-eight hours and further timepoints from infection in mono verses co-culture infections. This research demonstrates the utility of C. elegans in understanding polymicrobial interactions and may lead to potential new therapeutic options when combating S. aureus infections.