CommunityShield AI: An Integrated AI-Based Security System for Public Safety Enhancement

Authors' Affiliations

Ayesha Williams, Department of Computing, College of Business and Technology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. Richmond Bentil, Department of Computing, College of Business and Technology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. Emmanuel Kojo Curtis Agbotse, Department of Computing, College of Business and Technology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN


D.P. Culp Center Ballroom

Start Date

4-5-2024 9:00 AM

End Date

4-5-2024 11:30 AM

Poster Number


Name of Project's Faculty Sponsor

Ghaith Husari

Faculty Sponsor's Department


Classification of First Author

Graduate Student-Master’s

Competition Type



Poster Presentation

Presentation Category

Science, Technology and Engineering

Abstract or Artist's Statement

Title: CommunityShield AI: "An Integrated AI-Based Security System for Public Safety Enhancement. Richmond Bentil, Ayesha Williams, Taiwo Osiyemi, Emmanuel Kojo Curtis Agbotse, and Dr. Husari Department of Computing, College of Business and Technology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. In recent years, the state of Tennessee, like much of the nation, has witnessed a concerning rise in weapons-related incidents, posing significant threats to public safety. These incidents, ranging from armed assaults to public threats, highlight a critical need for innovative and effective security measures. The urgency for a solution that exceeds traditional methods has never been more apparent, as the community seeks ways to counteract the escalating cycle of violence. In response to this pressing challenge, CommunityShield AI has been developed by the team from the Department of Computing at the College of Business and Technology, East Tennessee State University. This comprehensive AI-based security system is designed to mitigate the risks associated with violence-related and other objective threats in public spaces. At its core, CommunityShield AI leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies to enhance public safety through real-time object detection capabilities. This feature allows the system to immediately identify potential threats, such as harmful objects, ensuring a swift response to any danger making it more effective, accurate, and reliable when detecting potential threats. Object detection is becoming a more prominent field of research and development. With the uprising of AI (Artificial Intelligence) models, they can recognize and distinguish objects accurately in real-time video streams or pictures. The models researched use deep learning methods trained on large datasets with labeled images that help them learn features about objects. It also learned to extract relevant features automatically from the input image or video. This characteristic allows the model to identify objects in various orientations, sizes, and lighting conditions. Moreover, CommunityShield AI integrates live audio translation features, which are instrumental in breaking down language barriers during critical incidents. This ensures that safety instructions and alerts are universally understood, facilitating a coordinated response among diverse population groups. Additionally, the system incorporates sophisticated video surveillance that extends beyond traditional monitoring. Through the use of advanced analytics, CommunityShield AI analyzes behavioral patterns, enabling the preemptive identification of suspicious activities. The integration of these technologies into a single, unified system represents a significant advancement in public security measures. CommunityShield AI not only acts as a deterrent to potential perpetrators but also serves as a critical tool for law enforcement and emergency response teams. By providing real-time data and analytics, the system aids in the quick assessment of threats, allowing for informed decision-making and immediate action. Furthermore, CommunityShield AI is designed with scalability and adaptability in mind, allowing for its application in various environments beyond Tennessee, from urban centers to educational campuses, and public gatherings. Its implementation can lead to a paradigm shift in how communities’ approach public safety, transitioning from reactive measures to a more proactive and preventive security strategy. By offering an integrated, AI-driven approach to public security, CommunityShield AI aspires to significantly reduce the incidence of violence-related cases. The goal is to create a safer, more secure environment where individuals can go about their daily activities without fear, enhancing the overall quality of life for residents in Tennessee and beyond. Through continuous development and community collaboration, CommunityShield AI stands as a beacon of innovation in the pursuit of a peaceful and secure society.

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Apr 5th, 9:00 AM Apr 5th, 11:30 AM

CommunityShield AI: An Integrated AI-Based Security System for Public Safety Enhancement

D.P. Culp Center Ballroom

Title: CommunityShield AI: "An Integrated AI-Based Security System for Public Safety Enhancement. Richmond Bentil, Ayesha Williams, Taiwo Osiyemi, Emmanuel Kojo Curtis Agbotse, and Dr. Husari Department of Computing, College of Business and Technology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. In recent years, the state of Tennessee, like much of the nation, has witnessed a concerning rise in weapons-related incidents, posing significant threats to public safety. These incidents, ranging from armed assaults to public threats, highlight a critical need for innovative and effective security measures. The urgency for a solution that exceeds traditional methods has never been more apparent, as the community seeks ways to counteract the escalating cycle of violence. In response to this pressing challenge, CommunityShield AI has been developed by the team from the Department of Computing at the College of Business and Technology, East Tennessee State University. This comprehensive AI-based security system is designed to mitigate the risks associated with violence-related and other objective threats in public spaces. At its core, CommunityShield AI leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies to enhance public safety through real-time object detection capabilities. This feature allows the system to immediately identify potential threats, such as harmful objects, ensuring a swift response to any danger making it more effective, accurate, and reliable when detecting potential threats. Object detection is becoming a more prominent field of research and development. With the uprising of AI (Artificial Intelligence) models, they can recognize and distinguish objects accurately in real-time video streams or pictures. The models researched use deep learning methods trained on large datasets with labeled images that help them learn features about objects. It also learned to extract relevant features automatically from the input image or video. This characteristic allows the model to identify objects in various orientations, sizes, and lighting conditions. Moreover, CommunityShield AI integrates live audio translation features, which are instrumental in breaking down language barriers during critical incidents. This ensures that safety instructions and alerts are universally understood, facilitating a coordinated response among diverse population groups. Additionally, the system incorporates sophisticated video surveillance that extends beyond traditional monitoring. Through the use of advanced analytics, CommunityShield AI analyzes behavioral patterns, enabling the preemptive identification of suspicious activities. The integration of these technologies into a single, unified system represents a significant advancement in public security measures. CommunityShield AI not only acts as a deterrent to potential perpetrators but also serves as a critical tool for law enforcement and emergency response teams. By providing real-time data and analytics, the system aids in the quick assessment of threats, allowing for informed decision-making and immediate action. Furthermore, CommunityShield AI is designed with scalability and adaptability in mind, allowing for its application in various environments beyond Tennessee, from urban centers to educational campuses, and public gatherings. Its implementation can lead to a paradigm shift in how communities’ approach public safety, transitioning from reactive measures to a more proactive and preventive security strategy. By offering an integrated, AI-driven approach to public security, CommunityShield AI aspires to significantly reduce the incidence of violence-related cases. The goal is to create a safer, more secure environment where individuals can go about their daily activities without fear, enhancing the overall quality of life for residents in Tennessee and beyond. Through continuous development and community collaboration, CommunityShield AI stands as a beacon of innovation in the pursuit of a peaceful and secure society.