Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University - Appalachian Student Research Forum: The Fecal Fermentation Profile of Twins and Infants with Opioid Exposure

The Fecal Fermentation Profile of Twins and Infants with Opioid Exposure

Authors' Affiliations

Dawson Brown-Ezell, Department of Rehabilitative Health Sciences, College of Rehabilitative Sciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. Dr. Michelle E. Johnson, Department of Rehabilitative Health Sciences, College of Rehabilitative Sciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. Dr. W Andrew Clark, Department of Rehabilitative Health Sciences, College of Rehabilitative Sciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN. Amy Wahlquist, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, College of Public Health, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN.


Culp Ballroom

Start Date

4-7-2022 9:00 AM

End Date

4-7-2022 12:00 PM

Poster Number


Faculty Sponsor’s Department

Other - please list

Rehabilitative Health Science

Name of Project's Faculty Sponsor

Michelle Johnson

Additional Sponsors

Mary Andreae

Classification of First Author

Undergraduate Student

Competition Type



Poster Presentation

Project's Category

Child Health

Abstract or Artist's Statement

The Fecal Fermentation Profile of Twins and Infants with Opioid Exposure

Dawson Brown-Ezell

Michelle Johnson PhD, RD, LDN

W. Andrew Clark PhD, RD

Amy Wahlquist, PhD

Introduction: The gut microbiome is believed to have a significant impact on health throughout the lifespan, and the influence of infant nutrition and other environmental factors are of particular interest in its development. The aim of this research project was to learn more about the microbiome and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) composition of toddlers of differing weights, considering birth history, environment, and diet. In East Tennessee, opioid misuse is a growing issue, and a number of participants in this study were exposed in utero. We also hoped to identify related effects on infant’s SCFA composition. Finally, it has been concluded that twins share a variety of traits, but much about their microbiome is unknown. With several pairs of twins in the sample, we aimed to identify any associations with SCFAs in this group.

Methods: With informed consent, the child’s history was obtained, including age, birth length and weight, delivery type (C-section or vaginal), and feeding method (breast, bottle fed, or both). The child’s current weight, height, and BMI %ile were determined. Caregivers completed the 90-question Block Questionnaire for Ages 2-7 Kids food frequency questionnaire, and results were analyzed by Berkeley Analytics Inc (dba NutritionQuest). Participant-provided stool samples were freeze-dried and ground, and SCFAs were extracted and analyzed by content and concentration. Data analysis was generated using SAS software, Version 9.4 of the SAS System, Copyright © 2013 SAS Institute Inc.

Results: Nine SCFAs were measured in duplicate, and the concentrations averaged. Statistical analysis included comparisons of SCFAs related to factors including weight status, infant feeding modality, twin status, and intrauterine drug exposure, and significance determined with a p value < 0.05. Results did not identify significant differences in individual SCFA concentrations between obese and non-obese toddlers, however concentrations of isobutyrate, isovaleric acid, and octanoic acid were greater in toddlers who were formula fed as infants versus toddlers who were breastfed, and those fed a combination of breastmilk, and formula. Analysis further revealed a higher mean concentration of caproic and propionic acid in twin subjects. Of particular interest, toddlers with a history of opioid exposure had higher mean concentrations of isovaleric and octanoic acids, but less isocaproic acid when compared to those who were not drug exposed. Further analysis will help determine if these findings may be related to nutrient intake, in particular dietary fiber intake.

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Apr 7th, 9:00 AM Apr 7th, 12:00 PM

The Fecal Fermentation Profile of Twins and Infants with Opioid Exposure

Culp Ballroom

The Fecal Fermentation Profile of Twins and Infants with Opioid Exposure

Dawson Brown-Ezell

Michelle Johnson PhD, RD, LDN

W. Andrew Clark PhD, RD

Amy Wahlquist, PhD

Introduction: The gut microbiome is believed to have a significant impact on health throughout the lifespan, and the influence of infant nutrition and other environmental factors are of particular interest in its development. The aim of this research project was to learn more about the microbiome and short chain fatty acid (SCFA) composition of toddlers of differing weights, considering birth history, environment, and diet. In East Tennessee, opioid misuse is a growing issue, and a number of participants in this study were exposed in utero. We also hoped to identify related effects on infant’s SCFA composition. Finally, it has been concluded that twins share a variety of traits, but much about their microbiome is unknown. With several pairs of twins in the sample, we aimed to identify any associations with SCFAs in this group.

Methods: With informed consent, the child’s history was obtained, including age, birth length and weight, delivery type (C-section or vaginal), and feeding method (breast, bottle fed, or both). The child’s current weight, height, and BMI %ile were determined. Caregivers completed the 90-question Block Questionnaire for Ages 2-7 Kids food frequency questionnaire, and results were analyzed by Berkeley Analytics Inc (dba NutritionQuest). Participant-provided stool samples were freeze-dried and ground, and SCFAs were extracted and analyzed by content and concentration. Data analysis was generated using SAS software, Version 9.4 of the SAS System, Copyright © 2013 SAS Institute Inc.

Results: Nine SCFAs were measured in duplicate, and the concentrations averaged. Statistical analysis included comparisons of SCFAs related to factors including weight status, infant feeding modality, twin status, and intrauterine drug exposure, and significance determined with a p value < 0.05. Results did not identify significant differences in individual SCFA concentrations between obese and non-obese toddlers, however concentrations of isobutyrate, isovaleric acid, and octanoic acid were greater in toddlers who were formula fed as infants versus toddlers who were breastfed, and those fed a combination of breastmilk, and formula. Analysis further revealed a higher mean concentration of caproic and propionic acid in twin subjects. Of particular interest, toddlers with a history of opioid exposure had higher mean concentrations of isovaleric and octanoic acids, but less isocaproic acid when compared to those who were not drug exposed. Further analysis will help determine if these findings may be related to nutrient intake, in particular dietary fiber intake.