Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University - Appalachian Student Research Forum: Android-Based Mobile App Design for COVID-19 Tracking

Android-Based Mobile App Design for COVID-19 Tracking

Authors' Affiliations

Paula Faidley, Department of Computing, College of Business and Technology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN


Culp Ballroom

Start Date

4-7-2022 9:00 AM

End Date

4-7-2022 12:00 PM

Poster Number


Faculty Sponsor’s Department


Name of Project's Faculty Sponsor

Mohammad Khan

Classification of First Author

Undergraduate Student

Competition Type



Poster Presentation

Project's Category

Software Engineering

Abstract or Artist's Statement

With the evolution of smartphones and rise in their popularity, mobile applications have become a booming concept. Mobile applications come in many forms and have various functions to help users navigate through things they care about such as communication, health, gaming, photography, etc. In times such as the COVID-19 pandemic, a mobile application can be used as a centralized source of information that can assist individuals with gathering updates on aspects of the pandemic such as vaccination statistics, ratios of positive and negative tests for COVID-19, recovery rates, and more. The development of the application can be an intricate and complex process with many functionalities to take into consideration. During the development of the COVID-19 Tracking Application, I performed a series of 5 phases to progress the application to reach full functionality. The phases consisted of conceptualization, feasibility assessment, design, development , and testing. The application is primarily programmed in a cross-platform programming language known as Kotlin. Kotlin is an object-oriented and functional programming language that can interoperate with Java. The software used to program the application is Android Studio. Android Studio is the official integrated development environment for Android operating systems. API keys (Application Programming Interface Keys) from reputable sources such as the CDC (Center for Disease Control) were used to refresh data daily. Functionalities that were programmed into the mobile application include a splash screen when the application is launched, an index page of listed states to view data from with statistic previews, a nationwide overview of the U.S., detail pages for each state, and pie charts or spark charts to provide users with visual aid. When designing the user interface, diversity of technological backgrounds in users were taken into consideration which resulted in simplicity being the highest priority for the GUI (Graphical User Interface). Each screen of the application is implemented through numerous XML files which are used to manage the layout of each screen and activities which are the Android SDK (Software Development Kit) equivalent to classes. Much like classes, activities contain many subclasses and functions that work to perform the functionalities of the mobile application. The result of the work completed was a fully functional application that can refresh the day-to-day data for COVID-19 cases. The application has not yet been deployed to the Android operating system app store for further testing and expansions of operations that can be performed. The work accomplished in this project can be useful to both programmers and users. If published, the application can provide a wealth of information on the worldwide virus COVID-19 to its users. In addition to being useful in projecting information for COVID-19, the application can also easily be converted into a tracking application for other worldwide diseases such as the flu or hepatitis. Understanding the development of a COVID-19 tracking application can lead to the evolution of mobile applications and inspire programmers to cater to wider audiences by providing users with valuable information on illnesses they care about.

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Apr 7th, 9:00 AM Apr 7th, 12:00 PM

Android-Based Mobile App Design for COVID-19 Tracking

Culp Ballroom

With the evolution of smartphones and rise in their popularity, mobile applications have become a booming concept. Mobile applications come in many forms and have various functions to help users navigate through things they care about such as communication, health, gaming, photography, etc. In times such as the COVID-19 pandemic, a mobile application can be used as a centralized source of information that can assist individuals with gathering updates on aspects of the pandemic such as vaccination statistics, ratios of positive and negative tests for COVID-19, recovery rates, and more. The development of the application can be an intricate and complex process with many functionalities to take into consideration. During the development of the COVID-19 Tracking Application, I performed a series of 5 phases to progress the application to reach full functionality. The phases consisted of conceptualization, feasibility assessment, design, development , and testing. The application is primarily programmed in a cross-platform programming language known as Kotlin. Kotlin is an object-oriented and functional programming language that can interoperate with Java. The software used to program the application is Android Studio. Android Studio is the official integrated development environment for Android operating systems. API keys (Application Programming Interface Keys) from reputable sources such as the CDC (Center for Disease Control) were used to refresh data daily. Functionalities that were programmed into the mobile application include a splash screen when the application is launched, an index page of listed states to view data from with statistic previews, a nationwide overview of the U.S., detail pages for each state, and pie charts or spark charts to provide users with visual aid. When designing the user interface, diversity of technological backgrounds in users were taken into consideration which resulted in simplicity being the highest priority for the GUI (Graphical User Interface). Each screen of the application is implemented through numerous XML files which are used to manage the layout of each screen and activities which are the Android SDK (Software Development Kit) equivalent to classes. Much like classes, activities contain many subclasses and functions that work to perform the functionalities of the mobile application. The result of the work completed was a fully functional application that can refresh the day-to-day data for COVID-19 cases. The application has not yet been deployed to the Android operating system app store for further testing and expansions of operations that can be performed. The work accomplished in this project can be useful to both programmers and users. If published, the application can provide a wealth of information on the worldwide virus COVID-19 to its users. In addition to being useful in projecting information for COVID-19, the application can also easily be converted into a tracking application for other worldwide diseases such as the flu or hepatitis. Understanding the development of a COVID-19 tracking application can lead to the evolution of mobile applications and inspire programmers to cater to wider audiences by providing users with valuable information on illnesses they care about.