Authors' Affiliations

Brianna Steffey, Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation & Kinesiology, Clemmer College, ETSU, Johnson City, TN. Abigail Daugherty, Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation & Kinesiology, Clemmer College, ETSU, Johnson City, TN. Brandi Eveland-Sayers, Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation & Kinesiology, Clemmer College, ETSU, Johnson City, TN. Alyson Chroust, Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences, ETSU, Johnson City, TN. Kara Boynewicz, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Clinical Rehabilitative Health Sciences, ETSU, Johnson City, TN. Andrew Dotterweich, Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation & Kinesiology, Clemmer College, ETSU, Johnson City, TN.


Clinch Mtn

Start Date

4-12-2019 9:00 AM

End Date

4-12-2019 2:30 PM

Poster Number


Faculty Sponsor’s Department

Sport, Exercise, Recreation & Kinesiology

Name of Project's Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Brandi Eveland-Sayers

Classification of First Author

Undergraduate Student


Poster: Non-Competitive

Project's Category

Child Health, Psychology, Other Education

Abstract or Artist's Statement

Numerous benefits are associated with physical activity participation with recent evidence indicating this may transfer into the classroom environment. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between attitudes towards active or passive physical activity participation and classroom engagement in elementary school children. Methods: Students (n = 67) in grades 3-5 completed The Children’s Self-Perceptions of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity (CSAPPA) and The Elementary Student Engagement Instrument (SEI). Results: A statistically significant positive correlation (r = .31, P < .05) was found between the CSAPPA and SEI indicating that students who prefer active participation in physical activity also report higher levels of engagement within the school environment. No statistical difference was noted between males and females or across grade levels. Conclusion: The results of this research support the benefits of physical activity participation within the school environment. The lack of statistical difference with regard to sex is also noteworthy in that research connecting physical activity and classroom engagement frequently indicates differences between males and females. This is possibly attributed to the inclusive culture established by the school which promotes and supports opportunities for all students. These findings are particularly relevant in light of current trends to reduce time spent in physical education, free play, and other physical activity opportunities within the school day.

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Apr 12th, 9:00 AM Apr 12th, 2:30 PM


Clinch Mtn

Numerous benefits are associated with physical activity participation with recent evidence indicating this may transfer into the classroom environment. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between attitudes towards active or passive physical activity participation and classroom engagement in elementary school children. Methods: Students (n = 67) in grades 3-5 completed The Children’s Self-Perceptions of Adequacy in and Predilection for Physical Activity (CSAPPA) and The Elementary Student Engagement Instrument (SEI). Results: A statistically significant positive correlation (r = .31, P < .05) was found between the CSAPPA and SEI indicating that students who prefer active participation in physical activity also report higher levels of engagement within the school environment. No statistical difference was noted between males and females or across grade levels. Conclusion: The results of this research support the benefits of physical activity participation within the school environment. The lack of statistical difference with regard to sex is also noteworthy in that research connecting physical activity and classroom engagement frequently indicates differences between males and females. This is possibly attributed to the inclusive culture established by the school which promotes and supports opportunities for all students. These findings are particularly relevant in light of current trends to reduce time spent in physical education, free play, and other physical activity opportunities within the school day.