Political Backlash in Regards to the LGBTQ+ Commmunity in the Past Twelve Years

Author Names and Emails

Donald TownsendFollow

Authors' Affiliations

Donald Townsend, Department of Political Science, Tusculum University, Greeneville, TN



Start Date

4-12-2019 9:00 AM

End Date

4-12-2019 2:30 PM

Poster Number


Faculty Sponsor’s Department

Political Science, International Affairs & Public Administration

Name of Project's Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Mary Cooper

Classification of First Author

Undergraduate Student


Poster: Competitive

Project's Category

Political Science

Project's Category

Arts and Humanities

Abstract or Artist's Statement

The progression of the LGBTQ+ community’s steps towards equality, by the way of the court systems, has been met with a backlash from some public opinion. Therefore, the legislative branch has created laws that can hinder the progression of LGBTQ+ rights in the United States, making it incredibly difficult for the community to progress forward. We can also see this in the executive branch under the Trump administration, which some consider to be a backlash from the previous administration’s policies. But,there is a sizable gap in the scholarly articles within this time frame. This research aims to quantify the extent of backlash, and examine its effects. Preliminary results indicate that the backlash does indeed exist, and is getting increasingly worse over the years, especially in the past two.

The method I use to approach this subject is a comparative analysis of the two administrations; Obama and Trump. The research is based on gathering information via scholarly articles and law databases to document what laws have been passed that affect the LGBTQ+ community, both good and bad. Although the research is not yet completed, information so far leans towards the theory that the backlash politics exists in the United States.

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Apr 12th, 9:00 AM Apr 12th, 2:30 PM

Political Backlash in Regards to the LGBTQ+ Commmunity in the Past Twelve Years


The progression of the LGBTQ+ community’s steps towards equality, by the way of the court systems, has been met with a backlash from some public opinion. Therefore, the legislative branch has created laws that can hinder the progression of LGBTQ+ rights in the United States, making it incredibly difficult for the community to progress forward. We can also see this in the executive branch under the Trump administration, which some consider to be a backlash from the previous administration’s policies. But,there is a sizable gap in the scholarly articles within this time frame. This research aims to quantify the extent of backlash, and examine its effects. Preliminary results indicate that the backlash does indeed exist, and is getting increasingly worse over the years, especially in the past two.

The method I use to approach this subject is a comparative analysis of the two administrations; Obama and Trump. The research is based on gathering information via scholarly articles and law databases to document what laws have been passed that affect the LGBTQ+ community, both good and bad. Although the research is not yet completed, information so far leans towards the theory that the backlash politics exists in the United States.