The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the Charles C. Sherrod Library Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Review of Ida Applebroog: Are You Bleeding Yet?, Rebecca Tolley (2002)


Review of Library Service to African Americans in Kentucky, Rebecca Tolley (2002)

Review of Nathan Oliveria, Rebecca Tolley (2002)

Review of Self-Taught Art: The Culture and Aesthetic of American Vernacular Art, Rebecca Tolley (2002)


Review of West Virginia Quilts and Quiltmakers: Echoes From the Hills, Rebecca Tolley (2002)

Review of American Folk, Rebecca Tolley (2001)

Review of A Studio of Her Own: Women Artists in Boston 1870-1940, Rebecca Tolley (2001)

Review of Francoise Gilot: Monograph 1940-2000, Rebecca Tolley (2001)

Review of Gwen John: A Painter’s Life, Rebecca Tolley (2001)

Review of Imagining Her Erotics, Rebecca Tolley (2001)


Review of Myra Inman: A Diary of the Civil War in East Tennessee, Rebecca Tolley (2001)


Review of Tammy Wynette: A Daughter Recalls Her Mother’s Tragic Life & Death, Rebecca Tolley (2001)


Review of Tennessee’s New Deal Landscape, Rebecca Tolley (2001)