
Creation Date
This Washington County, Tennessee map includes geographic features including streams and mountain peaks, as well man made features such as highways, railroads, communities, and cemeteries. While the publication date is not included, it was received by the Documents, Law and Maps Department in 1986. However, due to the spelling of a few of the landmarks, the actual publication likely predates 1983. Some points of interest include the Veteran's Administration Mountain Home which is now the site of the Quillen College of Medicine and White Rock Ridge located where Buffalo Mountain Park would be established a decade later in 1994.
Physical copy resides in the Government Information, Law and Maps Department of East Tennessee State University’s Sherrod Library.
36" x 36"
As a Tennessee state depository library per T. C. A. § 12-6-107, Sherrod Library is providing free and open access to this map as part of our Tennessee Documents Collection. This map is for research and educational purposes only. Sherrod Library makes no claim of copyright on this material.
map, washington county, geography, rare map