The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles.

If you are ETSU faculty and want your works to be included, please request a SelectedWorks profile by emailing your CV to



How to Keep Your Professional Organization from Falling into a Black Hole, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

How to Keep Your Professional Organization from Falling into a Black Hole, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

How to Set Up Your Flight Plan for a Trip to the Stars: Evidence Based Library & Information Practice, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

How to Use PubMed, MedLine Plus, and the Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL): Health Information on the Web, Nakia J. Woodward (2005)

Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Uptake, Knowledge, and Acceptance for Youth: A Systematic Review of Appalachia, Chelsea N. Ryan, Kathryn L. Duvall, Emily C. Weyant, Kiana R. Johnson, and David L. Wood

Human Sexuality Workshop I, Rachel R. Walden (2019)

Impact of NNLM-Sponsored Internet Training on Health Professionals’ Use of the Internet: A Preliminary Survey, Rick L. Wallace (1999)

Implications of Web-based LOANSOME DOC for Librarians and End-Users: Preliminary Research Findings, Rick L. Wallace (1999)


Incorporating Health Literacy Concepts in Medical Education, Rachel R. Walden (2017)

Information Needs of Healthcare Professionals in Rural Northeast Tennessee and the Effectiveness of an AHEC in Meeting These Needs, Rick L. Wallace (1998)

Information Needs of Healthcare Professionals in Rural Northeast Tennessee and the Effectiveness of NETAHEC in Meeting These Needs, Rick L. Wallace (1998)

Information Revolution: Arming the Troops: Providing PDA Training to Rural Critical Access Hospitals, Rick L. Wallace and Jamie Price (2007)

Information Revolution: Getting the Militia Battle Ready: Improving the Information Skills of Medical Residents, Rick L. Wallace (2007)

Information Revolution: Mustering the Militia: Collaborating with Public Libraries to Provide Consumer Health Information Services to 17 Rural Tennessee Counties, Nakia J. Carter and Rick L. Wallace (2007)

Internet Resources for Health Professionals, Rick L. Wallace (1999)

Is Attendance Really Declining at Games? An Analysis of Walk-ins Versus Web Counts, Travis Clamon, Nakia J. Woodward, and Rick L. Wallace (2012)

Lessons Learned: Coordinating Community Outreach Grants for Maximum Effectiveness, Rick L. Wallace (2004)

Librarians as Connectors: Applying Information Skills to Facilitate Research Partnerships, Nakia J. Woodward, Rick L. Wallace, Kelly Loyd, Elizabeth A. Wallace, and Rachel R. Walden (2015)

Library Voodoo or Library Science?, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

Linking Libraries: An Analysis of a Consumer Health Partnership between Academic and Public Libraries, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2012)

Linking Medical Residents to Training: An Analysis of Training Needs, Rick L. Wallace (2008)

Linking Medical Residents to training: An Analysis of Training Needs, Rick L. Wallace (2009)

Locating Health Info Via the Internet, Rick L. Wallace (2004)

Looking Beyond Developmental Consequences by Structuring Intervention for Children/Infant and Families With Substance Misuse Disorder: A Scoping Review, Kara Boynewicz, K. Sperapolus, Rachel Walden, and Sierra Owens (2020)

Making a Difference Through Fundraising, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2014)

Medical Librarian Citation Manager Use and Instruction across the United States, Emily Weyant, Nakia J. Woodward, and Elisabeth Walden (2018)


Medical Student Burnout in a Small-Sized Medical School, Adam Y. Chan, Elizabeth Farabee, Grace Wholley, Peter Blosser, Jordan L. Herring, and Richard L. Wallace

Meeting the Challenges of Practicing Evidence Based Librarianship through a Library Journal Club: An Analysis, Nakia J. Woodward and Rick L. Wallace (2015)

Merging Rural Clinicians with Information: the Use of PDAs to Address Clinician Illiteracy, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2009)

One Stone Three Birds: A Library Grand Rounds Program, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2009)

Partnering with an Area Hospital to Provide Senior Consumer Health Information, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2012)

Partnering with an Area Hospital to Provide Senior Consumer Health Information, Judy Willett, Nakia J. Cook, and Rick L. Wallace (2011)

PDAs, Rick L. Wallace (2005)

PDAs, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

PDAs, Rick L. Wallace (2007)

PDAs, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

PDAs, Rick L. Wallace (2004)

Piecing Together the Mosaic of Rural Clinician Information Practices over a Twenty Year Period, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2016)

Planning for the Future: Determining the Effectiveness of Library Services to Medical Residents in an Academic Medical Center, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

Popular Theatre: Connecting Migrant/Seasonal Farm Workers, Rick L. Wallace (2010)

Popular Theatre: Connecting Migrant/Seasonal Farmworkers with Health Information, Karin Hoffmann, Rick L. Wallace, and Nakia J. Cook (2010)

Potential Harms of the Quantified Self: Fitness Tracking and Eating or Obsessive Behavior Disorders, Nakia J. Woodward, Rachel R. Walden, and Emily C. Weyant (2015)

Potential Harms of the Quantified Self: Provider Knowledge and Practices, Rachel R. Walden, Nakia J. Woodward, and Emily C. Weyant (2016)

Promoting a Culture of Continuing Investigation: an Analysis of a Medical Library Journal Club’s Critically Appraised Topic Database, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2014)

Protecting Outreach When Dollars Disappear – A Case Study, Rick L. Wallace (2001)

PubMed, Rick L. Wallace (2005)

Reevaluating Point-of-Care Resources: Community Engagement in Difficult Collection Choices, Rachel R. Walden, Nakia J. Woodward, and Rick L. Wallace (2016)

Reexamining Campus Research: An Analysis of Study Methodologies, Nakia J. Woodward, Kelly Loyd, Emily C. Weyant, Rick L. Wallace, and Rachel R. Walden (2016)

Reflections on the Impact of a Library-Based PDA Service, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2010)

Rejuvenating the Campus Community: Yoga in the Medical Library, Richard L. Wallace, Nakia J. Woodward, and Rachel R. Walden (2016)

Repairing the Bridge: Assessing Critical Information Skill Deficiencies in Medical Residents, Rick L. Wallace (2008)

Re-Thinking our Understanding of User Needs Through Focus Groups, Rick L. Wallace, Nakia J. Woodward, and Emily C. Weyant (2016)

Rethinking the Role of Clergy as Consumer Health Educators, Rick L. Wallace (2012)

Rethinking the Role of Clergy as Consumer Health Educators, Rick L. Wallace (2011)

Rethinking the Role of Clergy as Consumer Health Educators, Rick L. Wallace, Bruce Behringer, Grace Ghansah, and Nakia J. Cook (2011)

Rethinking Ways to Provide Library Services to Rural Clinicians, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Cook (2011)

Rethinking Ways to Provide Library Services to Rural Clinicians, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Cook (2012)

Rural Health Association of Tennessee, Rick L. Wallace (2003)

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. A Painless Way to Teach Faculty and Residents to Write for Publication, Rick L. Wallace (2006)

Spanning Gaps in Information Services and Resources to Medical Residents, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Carter (2008)

Spanning the Gap: a Longitudinal Cross-Sectional Analysis of Information Needs of Rural Health Care Providers, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2009)

Taking Consumer Health Information to the People: A Medical and Public Library Collaboration, Rick L. Wallace (2002)

Teaching Public Health Principles to a Medical School Community Medicine Rotation, Nakia J. Woodward (2014)

Tennessee Health Sciences Library Association: Connections and Disconnections over Time - A Content Analysis, Rick L. Wallace, Nakia J. Woodward, and Katherine Wolf (2012)

The Distribution and Diversity of Plethodontid Salamanders in Southern Greene County, Tennessee, Megan Amber Southerland and Stevem C. Keitzer


The Evolution of Library Services at Remote Area Medical Clinics, Rick L. Wallace, Nakia J. Woodward, Emily Weyant, Kelly R. Loyd, and Rachel R. Walden (2020)

Training Public Library Workers to be Health Information Providers: an Analysis of a Five-Year Outreach Project by a US Medical Library, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Cook (2011)

Training Your Librarians to Shoot for the Stars, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2008)

Understanding User Needs Through Focus Groups, Rick L. Wallace, Nakia J. Woodward, and Rachel R. Walden (2016)

Using Checklists to Re-Think Library Resources and Services Training, Rick L. Wallace, Nakia J. Woodward, and Emily C. Weyant (2016)

Using Checklists to Train Users to Use the Mosaic of Library Resources and Services, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2016)

Volunteering with a Relief Organization to Provide Consumer Health Information, Rick L. Wallace, Nakia J. Cook, Biddanda (Suresh) Ponnappa, and Kefeng (Maylene) Qiu (2011)

Volunteering with a Relief Organization to Provide Consumer Health Information, Rick L. Wallace and Nakia J. Woodward (2011)

What is the Best Treatment for Functional Fecal Retention?, Nakia J. Woodward (2007)

What is the Best Treatment for Venous Stasis Ulcers, Nakia J. Woodward (2009)

Zap! Pow! Graphic Medicine in Your Library, Rachel R. Walden (2019)



Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug-Induced Cardiovascular Adverse Events: A Meta-Analysis, B. R. Gunter, K. A. Butler, R. L. Wallace, S. M. Smith, and S. Harirforoosh (2017)