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Developing collaborative practice is an ongoing process requiring frequent upgrades as team members and processes are added. Recently, faculty in ETSU’s Department of Family Medicine have been experimenting with a mechanism for iterative upgrades to team care practice known as Champion Teams. Champion Teams are based on the Institute of Medicine’s "learning health care system" approach in which practitioners develop an internal strategy for implementing new evidence based practices on an ongoing basis. In this presentation, our interprofessional team will describe team-based education and practice at ETSU as it relates to the Champion Team concept including its origins, evidence-base, and the logistics of how it functions. We will provide examples of four Champion Team projects including: 1) integrating behavioral health, 2) increasing attendance at medical visits, 3) increasing vaccination rates, and 4) a transition to a new pharmacological regimen for congestive heart failure patients. The exemplars will demonstrate how quality improvement data informed progressive changes and confirmed implementation outcomes. During discussion, we will encourage participants to identify their own targets for champion teams.


Louisville, KY

Copyright Statement

Copyright The Authors. Document was originally published in the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Resource Library.
