Redirecting Library Instruction Based on Socioeconomic Data

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Purpose. This paper aims to utilize data collected at the national, state, and local level to analyze our library instruction (LI) program with the goal of designing a program to best suit student needs.

Design/methodology/approach. The collection and analysis of national, state, and local economic and computer access and usage statistics was carried out.

Findings. Although most incoming freshmen at East Tennessee State University have access to computers and can perform basic computer functions, they do not have the skill set necessary to do college‐level research.

Practical implications. Sherrod Library needs to continue providing traditional LI classes. Furthermore, new ways to train incoming freshmen in research methods need to be developed.

Originality/value. The use of national, state, and local economic and computer access and usage statistics to create a profile of our students in order to assess LI and outreach programs.
