"Designing Simulation-Enhanced Interprofessional Education: Application" by John L. Szarek, Diana Callender et al.

Designing Simulation-Enhanced Interprofessional Education: Application of a 6-Step Model

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Purpose Integration of simulation-enhanced interprofessional education (IPE) into the curricula of health professions schools is challenging. In this pre-conference course, we will use the Kern 6-step model as the framework for describing each of our approaches in developing, implementing, and assessing our simulation-enhanced IPE activities. Participants will use the 6-step model to develop a simulation-enhanced IPE event which they can take back to their home institutions for implementation. Goals Describe the 6 steps in Kern's model for curriculum design Summarize the design of two examples of curricula using Kern's 6-step model for curriculum development. Devise a plan for design of a simulation-enhanced IPE curriculum using the 6-step model. Discuss strategies for implementation, assessment, and evaluation.



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