"Crisis Management Simulation: The Value of Interdisciplinary Debriefin" by Devan Patel, Fakhry Dawoud et al.

Crisis Management Simulation: The Value of Interdisciplinary Debriefing

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OBJECTIVE: Simulation offers an important avenue for surgical and anesthesia training. This is especially important for crisis management scenarios where individuals need to act quickly and efficiently for optimal patient care. Practice based performance can be measured and real time feedback provided during debriefing scenarios. METHODS: In this paper, we highlight a dual anesthesia and otolaryngology cavernous carotid injury scenario. The trials were run three different times with inter-trial debriefing. RESULTS: The focused debriefing improved resident performance in terms of blood loss on subsequent trials. Furthermore, the learners provided important feedback regarding the utility of training and how it improved their ability to handle crisis management scenarios in the future. CONCLUSION: Debriefing for crisis management in a simulation trial improves performance and trainee confidence. Follow up studies will evaluate real world effectiveness over a longer follow up period.

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