"Habitat Analysis and Survey of the Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker, <em>Sphyr" by Christopher Jason Osborne

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Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Fred J. Alsop III

Committee Members

Timothy D. McDowell, Thomas F. Laughlin, Lee M. Pike


The purpose of this study is to provide a habitat analysis of the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius, in the Southern Appalachians. This population of S. varius is unique because it breeds in the high elevations of the Southern Appalachians, while the northern population breeds from Pennsylvania to Alberta Canada. Albert Ganier described this population in 1954 (Ganier 1954).

Using the Relevee method of habitat analysis I have described the territories of several breeding pairs in the Southern Appalachians. This analysis suggests that these birds require an open canopy of northern hardwood forest with some type of open area as a part of their territory. I have measured several other factors of the habitat as well. The information obtained in this study will be used to guide management practices to maintain and increase the population size of S. varius ssp. appalachiensis.

Document Type

Thesis - restricted


Copyright by the authors.
