"A Comparison of Strength and Resistance Curves for the Internal and Ex" by Daniel Cason Hannah

Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)


Kinesiology and Sport Studies

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Kathy Browder

Committee Members

Michael Foley, Craig E. Broeder


Progressive overload through the range of motion (ROM) is important for proper rehabilitation of muscle strength, yet varies across types of resistance for a given exercise. The purpose of this study was to compare strength curves (SC) for shoulder internal (IR) and external rotation (ER) with resistance curves (RC) for two application angles (A and B) of Thera-Band® resistance to determine which application angle best overloads IR and ER through the ROM. Thirty volunteer subjects participated in this study. SCs were obtained experimentally by measuring maximal isometric torque for IR and ER from 30° to 135°. RCs were calculated using regression equations from the literature. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between the SCs and RCs for both application angles during IR and ER. The findings of this study indicate that application angles A and B do not provide optimal loading when performing shoulder IR and ER exercises.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.

Included in

Kinesiology Commons
