"Completing the Circle: A Study of the Archetypal Male and Female in Na" by Kathy H. Hallenbeck

Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Mark Holland

Committee Members

Michael A. Cody, Kevin E. O'Donnell


This thesis examines the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne and the archetypal images therein. The Scarlet Letter is discussed extensively with references made to The Blithedale Romance. Characters in the following short stories are referred to: “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Birthmark.” An overall analysis of feminine repression in both male and female characters is explored. Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, and Pearl are the subjects of lengthy discussion. Journeys, both inward and outward are explored in the characters. The context is nineteenth-century culture of which Hawthorne is a product. The characters in The Scarlet Letter search for a complete existence, an integration of the unconscious and the conscious. Through a mythological study of Hawthorne’s work, we draw closer to understanding this complex example of nineteenth-century literature.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
