"Parents, Peers, and Developmental Trajectories toward Crime." by Kimberly A. Verhegge

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Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)


Criminal Justice and Criminology

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Stephen E. Brown

Committee Members

John P. Wright, Melissa M. Moon


Across time, the influence of parents and peers appears to change. Early in life, parents have a stronger influence on the development of youth than do their peers. This, however, will change as an individual ages. Using longitudinal data from the Marion County (Oregon) Youth Survey (1964-1979), I examine the influence of parents or delinquent association, drug use and arrest. Analysis generated through latent growth curve modeling show that although parental influence appears to decrease significantly later in life, parental attachment delays the formation of delinquent peer networks, thereby indirectly reducing the total number of arrests. Even so, reductions in parental influence over time were associated with a significantly accelerated rate of acquiring delinquent peers and hence, with an increased frequency of arrest and drug use. The available evidence thus suggests that parental attachment has initial inhibitory effects on the formation of peer networks but only limited long-term developmental effects.

Document Type

Thesis - restricted


Copyright by the authors.
