"Career and Technical Educator Transitions from Industry to Secondary C" by Samantha Satterfield

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Ginger Christian

Committee Members

Cynthia Chambers, William Flora


Effective educators are essential to the success of career and technical education (CTE) programs, yet many schools encounter challenges in hiring and retaining qualified individuals (Peisach, 2023). CTE programs and educators provide workforce opportunities for students and rural communities. Access to evidence-based practices to support occupationally licensed teachers during the transition from industry to full-time teaching is paramount to effective professional development. Administrators play a pivotal role in supplying the guidance necessary for CTE teachers to transition successfully into the classroom. According to Bouwans et al., (2019) the inconsistency in district implementation and support has been attributed to the decline in retention rates of educators in rural districts. The purpose of this narrative inquiry was to better understand CTE educators' lived experiences during their transition from industry to secondary classrooms in a rural setting. This study explored the lived experiences of CTE educators as they transitioned from the workforce to full-time teaching roles. Participants in this study were employed at rural schools in the East Grand division of Tennessee. Research findings identified the following key factors to support the successful transition into public education: administrator support; onboarding; professional learning; mentorship, and educator preparation partnerships in rural settings.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted


Copyright 2024 by Samantha Ann Satterfield All Rights Reserved
