"Exploring the Diagnostic Potential of Radiomics-Based PET Image Analys" by Victor Aderanti

Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)


Mathematical Sciences

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Mostafa Zahed

Committee Members

Michele Joyner, Robert Price


Cancer is a leading cause of death globally, and early detection is crucial for better

outcomes. This research aims to improve Region Of Interest (ROI) segmentation

and feature extraction in medical image analysis using Radiomics techniques

with 3D Slicer, Pyradiomics, and Python. Dimension reduction methods, including

PCA, K-means, t-SNE, ISOMAP, and Hierarchical Clustering, were applied to highdimensional features to enhance interpretability and efficiency. The study assessed the ability of the reduced feature set to predict T-staging, an essential component of the TNM system for cancer diagnosis. Multinomial logistic regression models were developed and evaluated using MSE, AIC, BIC, and Deviance Test. The dataset consisted of CT and PET-CT DICOM images from 131 lung cancer patients. Results showed that PCA identified 14 features, Hierarchical Clustering 17, t-SNE 58, and ISOMAP 40, with texture-based features being the most critical. This study highlights the potential of integrating Radiomics and unsupervised learning techniques to enhance cancer prediction from medical images.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
