"The Neoliberal Noirs of Gary Indiana" by Carson Morgan

Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

David M. Jones

Committee Members

Mark Baumgartner, Chelsea Wessels


This thesis is concerned with the two AIDS-era novels of Gary Indiana, a long-neglected yet essential literary figure who, as the critic Christian Lorentzen has argued, “connects the twentieth and twenty-first centuries in ways readers and critics are only beginning to apprehend” (xii). Beginning chronologically with a study of Indiana’s first two novels, Horse Crazy (1989) and Gone Tomorrow (1993), this thesis attempts to realize Lorentzen’s call to action, attending particularly to the ways in which Indiana’s novels write the neoliberal subject. More than exploring life under the AIDS crisis and embodying a radical queer approach to narrative, I contend, through the repurposed frame of noir and thematic explorations of kitsch, the novels of Gary Indiana radically interrogate neoliberal subjectivities, offering a remarkably stark vision of interior lives completely colonized by capitalism, commodified subjects incapable of intimacy.

Document Type

Thesis - embargo


Copyright by Carson Morgan.

Available for download on Sunday, June 15, 2025
