Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Dhirendra Kumar

Committee Members

Ranjan Chakraborty , Thomas C. Jones


Abiotic stress poses a significant threat to crop productivity and food security. In this study, we focused on understanding the role of SIP-428, a SABP2-interacting protein, in mediating plant responses to environmental stresses. Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing SIP-428 were subjected to salinity and drought stress. The overexpression of SIP-428 led to diminished growth under both stress conditions, indicating a negative impact on stress tolerance. Specifically, SIP-428 overexpression resulted in a reduction in catalase activity, while peroxidase activity remained unaffected. These findings suggest that SIP-428 plays a negative regulatory role on the catalase activity during abiotic stress, which may contribute to the susceptibility of plants to such stresses. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying SIP-428's role in stress responses could potentially lead to strategies for enhancing stress tolerance in crops, thereby promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Document Type

Thesis - embargo


Copyright by the authors.

Available for download on Sunday, June 15, 2025

Included in

Biology Commons
