"The Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist with Survivors of Traumati" by Nicolle McAdams

Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)


Speech-Language Pathology

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Martha Sherrill

Committee Members

Bess Sirmon-Taylor, Courtney Andrews, Jamie Clem


Intimate partner violence occurs globally at alarming rates. Many experience adverse health impacts such as traumatic brain injury. Healthcare providers do not know the role of the speech-language pathologist, or the rehabilitation needs of survivors.

Aims: This scoping review aims to identify speech-language pathology services for survivors of intimate partner violence with a resulting traumatic brain injury, and knowledge of healthcare providers on the rehabilitation needs of this population. A search was completed in May to October 2023, resulting in a total of 13 articles reviewed.

Main contributions: Speech-language pathologists lack knowledge to provide services to intimate partner violence survivors with a resulting traumatic brain injury. Healthcare providers that work with survivors are unaware of the rehabilitation needs of survivors.

Conclusions: Healthcare providers require knowledge of the needs of intimate partner violence survivors with a traumatic brain injury. Research regarding this population is warranted to meet their needs.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
