"Student Collaboration: Early Childhood Teachers' Roles and Perspective" by Kimberly Ballantyne

Degree Name

M.Ed. (Master of Education)


Early Childhood Education

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Jane Broderick

Committee Members

Julia Atiles, Pamela Evanshen


Early childhood environments can offer valuable opportunities for student collaboration. Social interactions allow students to practice listening to each other and learn how to work together. This study focused on the roles and perspectives of early childhood educators related to student collaboration in the classroom. Six educators from one elementary school in New Hampshire participated in two focus group discussions, the first of which included a presentation on student collaboration with first graders. Participants also completed four concept maps highlighting their perspectives about student collaboration and one written reflection comparing their perspectives before and after engaging in the focus group discussions. Participants’ awareness of strategies for student collaboration grew through these discussions among peers. Implications of the study include providing opportunities for educators to engage in discussions that examine their approaches for planning, preparing, and offering a variety of collaborative activities throughout the day.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
