"Character Influence and Brand Relationships: How Morally Ambiguous Cha" by Jason Alexander Daugherty

Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)


Brand and Media Strategy

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Mildred F. Perreault

Committee Members

Robert A. Dunn, Susan Waters


This study examines morally ambiguous characters in television dramas and they represent their respect brand. The goal of the study is to examine how these MACs define their respective brands, specifically the brands, AMC and Showtime. Recent studies observed people chose brands based on their affective disposition and social cognition towards specific influencers. These theories could inform how people relate to characters from TV shows and brands. An observation and narrative analysis of four characters promotional videos from AMC were Don Draper (Mad Men), Saul Goodman (Better Call Saul) and from Showtime Jackie Peyton (Nurse Jackie) and Dexter Morgan (Dexter). Interviews were conducted with 13 people about their views of the character's moral ambiguity and brand interest. Promo videos were observed along with videos of characters in their environment. Results found MACs defined their brand and their overall character arc appealed to the audience's interests in their brands.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
