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Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Dr. Paul Sims

Committee Members

Dr. Mohammad Moin Uddin, Mr. Bill Hemphill


Hydro power can be defined as converting the energy of flowing water into useful mechanical power by a turbine or water wheel. A micro hydro system typically has an electrical generation capacity of less than 100 kilo watts. These systems are usually constructed to supply power to individuals or groups of individuals who are independent of the power supply grid. The scope of this project is to outline the principles of micro hydro and to document the design process of a micro hydro site. This will include the measurements, calculations, and methods performed in a feasibility study for a potential site. The desired outcome of the project is to develop a viable solution to gain energy independence at a remote site owned by the author.

Document Type

Thesis - restricted


Copyright by the authors.
