"Exploring Gesturing as a Natural Approach to Impact Stages of Second L" by Guillermo I. Mendoza

Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)


Early Childhood Education

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

L. Kathryn Sharp

Committee Members

Rosemary Geiken, Carol Trivette


There is an increase in Hispanic English Language Learners (ELL). Poverty levels and lack of teacher training can also be stacked against the ELL population. Gesturing is a teaching technique that is used in successful methods such as The Natural Approach (NA) and Total Physical Response (TPR) in helping ELL students in English comprehension and output. This study examined the effects that increased teacher gestures have on the number of words spoken by the child in multiple settings. Data were collected in the context of a multiple baseline design across three settings. The results indicate that there was an effect on the amount of words spoken in two out of three settings. Suggestions are presented to expand on this effect.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
