"Staff Development Programs in Public Elementary Schools in Northeast T" by Richard A. Mcinturf

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award

August 1999


The purpose of this study was to collect and report on the perceptions of elementary school teachers as to the quality of staff development programs being offered in schools and school systems throughout Northeast Tennessee. A second purpose was to study the relationship between certain school district characteristics and teacher perception scores related to the staff development programs. The National Staff Development Council's Self-Assessment and Planning Tool was used to collect data related to teacher perceptions. Mean scores were calculated and t-test analysis completed for each variable named in the study. Conclusions of the study are consistent with most findings in the literature. Evidence suggests that significantly higher perception scores on the quality of staff development programs are obtained when school systems budget more than 1% of the total operating budget to staff development compared to school systems that budget less than 1%. Higher perception scores are also obtained in school systems where there is at least a half-time coordinator for staff development activities compared to school systems where there is either no formal coordination, or less than a half time coordinator for staff development activities. There is no indication that the amount of teacher input into the planning and delivery of staff development programs has any significant impact on teacher perceptions of the quality of staff development programs in school systems in Northeast Tennessee. The results of this study may be used by school systems to plan for future staff development events. Similar studies should be conducted with middle school and high school teachers to assist staff developers at these levels.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted
