"Perceptions and Hiring Practices of Tennessee Superintendents and Dire" by J. M. Reed

Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Leadership

Date of Award

May 1996


The purpose of this study is to reveal what technological skills are inquired about by superintendents/directors of schools in the state of Tennessee when hiring high school principals. The study further reveals perceptions that superintendents/directors of schools have for the desirability of high school principals to possess technological skills and their perceptions of how capable current high school principals are for possessing those skills. The study was based on a total population of 139 school superintendents in the state of Tennessee. Surveys were mailed in early Nov, 1995. One hundred-two surveys were completed and returned. Findings were divided into two categories, the results of the testing conducted for the research questions and the results of the hypothesis testing. The findings revealed that more than half of the superintendents/directors of schools in the state of Tennessee had hiring procedures that inquired about technological skills. The ability to budget technology was not a skill that most superintendents/directors of schools inquired about. More than three-fourths of the superintendents/directors of schools desired high school principals to possess technological skills. Fewer than one-fourth of the superintendents/directors of schools perceived current high school principals to have much knowledge and experience with technology. Significant differences were found in hiring procedures and perceptions of the technological abilities of current high school principals. The significant differences were between appointed and elected superintendents/directors of schools, superintendents/directors of schools with different degrees of education, and superintendents/directors of schools employed at school systems with different levels of per pupil expenditure. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were suggested: (1) superintendents/directors of schools should evaluate hiring procedures to assure there is inquiry into the technological abilities of candidates seeking high school principalships, (2) training for technological skills should be provided for students studying school administration, current high school principals, and superintendents/directors of schools, and (3) better communication channels should be established between administrators concerning technology, rules and regulations concerning technology, and incentives to encourage the development of technology.

Document Type

Dissertation - unrestricted
