"Radiography Clinical Instructors' Perceptions of the Transition from T" by Christina G. Lee

Degree Name

MSAH (Master of Science in Allied Health)


Allied Health

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Susan B. Epps

Committee Members

Randy L. Byington, Ester L. Verhovsek


Radiologic technologists who transition into the role of clinical instructor are usually expert practitioners but may lack knowledge of best practices regarding student instruction and evaluation. The purpose of this phenomenological qualitative study was to investigate how CIs experience the transition from practitioner to educator and what knowledge or education of best practices of instruction and evaluation they bring to the position. This study consisted of interviews with radiography CIs from one associate degree radiography program in the southeastern part of the United States. While some CIs felt prepared to transition into the CI role, none of them had previously had education regarding instruction. They were provided support as they transitioned, but little formal orientation or training. The results of this study should challenge radiography programs to implement or strengthen current orientation programs for new CIs who are critical to student success.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
