"ADHD Management in Pediatric Primary Care: Time is Not on Our Side" by Dannel K. Petgrave

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Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Jodi Polaha

Committee Members

Mary Ann Littleton, Andrea D. Clements


Successful implementation of the American Academy of Pediatrics evidence-based practice guidelines for ADHD management in primary care settings is challenging. Despite widespread use of these guidelines and the adoption of strategies to overcome barriers to care, no research has looked at how providers spend their time in managing ADHD and how this relates to the feasibility of practice guidelines in community settings. The present study aimed to assess pediatricians’ self-reported experiences in using the AAP guidelines for ADHD management and barriers to using an evidence-based approach, especially related to time demands. Five pediatricians from five pediatric primary care settings were interviewed on their experiences in ADHD management. Time demands was shown to be related to on-site behavioral health services and innovative scheduling strategies. Implications for primary care practice and future research are discussed.

Document Type

Thesis - restricted


Copyright by the authors.
