"Selected Resources for Ministers of Music in Evangelical Christian Chu" by Brian Emory Sharp

Degree Name

MMuEd (Master of Music Education)


Music Education

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Mary Dave Blackman

Committee Members

Thomas Jenrette, Maria Niederberger


Ministers of music in Evangelical Christian churches today are usually trained as choral conductors but take positions that require them to unexpectedly be an instrumental conductor, administrator, counselor, recruiter, evangelist, and even associate pastor.

There was no central resource for information to assist these musicians, thus this annotated bibliography was developed. It includes books and magazine articles on vocal and instrumental pedagogy, conducting, hymnology, theology, musical terminology, leadership skills, evangelism, and administration.

Because of time limitations, only sources available at Sherrod Library, East Tennessee State University, and on the Internet were cited. Time restraints also limited the number of resources evaluated; this will be an ongoing project as more resources become available.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
