"Lived Religion: An Examination of "Pass the Salt" Luncheons." by Jeff Smith Bernard Smith

Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Leslie A. McCallister

Committee Members

Lindsey King, Paul Kamolnick


This study used a case study approach to examine how religious culture, such as theologies and doctrines, is lived or practiced by "Pass the Salt" luncheon participants. "Pass the Salt" participants are taught the teachings of Harvest Evangelism, an interdenominational Para-church organization; these teachings are evidenced through their cultural toolkit. It was expected that the luncheon participants would practice Harvest Evangelism's religious culture in the workplace. Participant observation and personal interviews were conducted to examine participants' application of the cultural toolkit to their everyday lives, specifically in the workplace. Findings indicated that the leader of the "Pass the Salt" luncheon was more likely to practice or live the religious doctrines provided by Harvest Evangelism, while others lived religion in a different way.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
