"Iron Acquisition in <em>Rhodococcus erythropolis</em> Strain IGTS8: Ch" by Melanie Anne Pratt

Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Bert C. Lampson

Committee Members

Dhirena Kumar, Ranjan N. Chakraborty


Iron is an essential nutrient for most bacteria because enzymes like nitrate reductase and cytochromes use it as a cofactor. However, in most aerobic, neutral pH environments, iron is essentially insoluble and not easily available for bacteria to use. Many bacteria respond to this problem by releasing small organic compounds called siderophores that bind and effectively solubilize iron so that it can be transported into the cell for growth. The focus of this study was to learn more about the iron acquisition and especially the transport of iron by the soil bacterium Rhodococcus erythropolis. To fulfill this aim, mutant strains of the bacteria were screened for those that overproduce siderophore. Often, a bacterium will over produce siderophore to compensate for a defect in transport. One such mutant, R187-12, was further analyzed by cloning the region of the chromosome containing the defective gene responsible for over production of siderophore into a plasmid vector. The DNA sequence of this region was determined and analyzed for the presence of similar genes encoding transport proteins.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.

Included in

Bacteriology Commons
