"A Dramatic Interpretation of Jake's Women Thesis in An Educational Set" by Douglas William Reiser

Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)


Communication, Professional

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Robert D. Funk

Committee Members

Cara Harker, Patrick Cronin


The area of investigation in the Jake's Women's thesis resides with the actor's preparation in the portrayal of a character who struggles with the pain of loss and betrayal. The acting technique explored centers around the psychology behind the emotional and physical aspects of acting. The results rely on the thoughts and feelings of sensitivity in the actor's body. Development of an actor's inner technique and outer instrument is explored and implemented. An actor's belief in the body to produce effective imaginary people or place within a scene rests in the actor's ability to allow his or her instrument to create real-life emotion. This process of belief is accomplished through the trained technique of relaxation exercises, thus, giving the actor the discipline to concentrate on the process of creating a believable character. The human condition becomes the central focus in the honest representation of a man suffering to forgive and forget his troubles.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.

Included in

Acting Commons
