"Effects of Corporal Punishment on Survival and Coping Beliefs." by Deanna Michelle Orso

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Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Jon B. Ellis

Committee Members

James J. Fox III, Peggy J. Cantrell


Corporal punishment is an accepted and widely used form of discipline in the United Stated. Frequent use of corporal punishment has been correlated with many maladaptive outcomes and depressive symptoms in adulthood. The Reasons for Living Inventory - Survival and Coping Beliefs subscale identifies those with coping strategies that enable them to deal effectively with negative feelings. The present study seeks to identify whether adaptive characteristics, particularly survival and coping beliefs, are present in individuals who received little or no corporal punishment.

Participants were administered a brief demographic inventory, a corporal punishment history questionnaire and the Reasons for Living Inventory - Survival and Coping Beliefs subscale. Results revealed no significant differences between those who received little or no corporal punishment and those who received high levels of corporal punishment. The results were contradictory to past research and indicate the need for further investigation regarding outcomes of corporal punishment use.

Document Type

Thesis - restricted


Copyright by the authors.
