"Comparison of Black and White Elderly Women on Muscle Mass Bone Minera" by Tyanez Jones

Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)


Kinesiology and Sport Studies

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Lynn Panton

Committee Members

Craig E. Broeder, Jacqueline Lloyd, Kathy Browder


Few studies have compared balance between aging black (BW) and white women (WW) and examined its relationship to muscle mass and bone mineral density (BMD). Nineteen BW and 56 WW between 60-91 years participated. Upper and lower body strength, body composition, BMD, volitional and non-volitional control of dynamic balance, and physical activity ratings were assessed. There were no differences in strength between the groups. A trend was reported for total body BMD (p=0.07). WW exhibited better control of rapid volitional movements, in the limits of stability and rhythmic weight shift tests. The relationships of strength and muscle mass to BMD and balance were weak. Physical activity ratings were higher for WW than BW (p<.05). In conclusion, differences reported in the literature between BW and WW for risk of falling may be due to other variables not assessed in this study. Future studies should examine other factors that contribute to increased risk of falling.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.

Included in

Kinesiology Commons
