"Relationship Between a Measure of Social and Emotional Development and" by Jenna L. Pugh

Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)


Communicative Disorders

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Nancy Scherer

Committee Members

A. Lynn Williams, Kerry Proctor-Williams


This study was an examination of responses to a standardized assessment of social-emotional behaviors and correlation with speech and language development in young children with cleft palate and/or lip. Twenty-eight participants aged 14-35 months with nonsyndromic cleft palate and or lip were included in this study. The Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (ITSEA) was used to identify emerging social and emotional behaviors. Descriptive analysis of ITSEA results was completed. Pearson correlation coefficient and effect size estimates were calculated between ITSEA domain raw scores and measures of speech and language development. A small proportion of participants (14%) showed ITSEA scores beyond the test cut-off scores across all domains ; 43% demonstrated concerns at the subdomain level. Correlational analysis indicated significant relationships between Externalizing, Dysregulation, and Competence Domains and speech accuracy and language measures. Interpretation of the outcomes suggests that early social emotional behaviors are emerging simultaneously with speech and language skills during early communicative development.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
