"Religion and Burial Roman Domination, Celtic Acceptance, or Mutual Und" by Kimberly D. Woodring

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Degree Name

MA (Master of Arts)



Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

William D. Burgess

Committee Members

Melvin Page, Brian Maxson, Jay Franklin


The effects of Romanization were believed to be devastating to the cultures conquered by Rome, but Britain was an exception. The Romanization of Britain began through trade with the continent long before the invasion by Claudius. But the natives of Britain did not accept the Roman culture as completely as other conquests by Rome. R. G. Collingwood did not believe that the Romans dominated the Celtic culture. What he observed in the inscriptions and archaeology of Britain was a conflation of both cultures. Roman Britain was a unique combination of Celtic and Roman culture that was achieved through mutual acceptance and practice of both cultures’ values. The examination of two of those values, religious and mortuary practices, can help reveal the extent of Romanization in Britain and finally confirm Collingwood’s theory of Romanization.

Document Type

Thesis - restricted


Copyright by the authors.
