"Hazardous Materials Transportation Flow Survey: An Evaluation of Hazar" by Daniel John O'Brien

Degree Name

MS (Master of Science)


Environmental Health

Date of Award


Committee Chair or Co-Chairs

Phillip R. Scheuerman

Committee Members

Carolyn Harvey, Leo Harvill


This study examines the transportation of hazardous materials through Washington County, Tennessee. This study incorporates federal, state, and local data in assessing current transportation trends. Data gathering activities included local chemical inventories, hazardous materials transportation flow surveys, hazardous materials rail transportation trends, and hazardous materials incident data.

All data were compiled and then analyzed to identify hazardous materials transportation trends in Washington County, Tennessee. This information is pertinent to emergency planners for the preparation of hazardous materials transportation incidents. The data gathered further revealed the need for this type of study to identify changing trends in the transportation of hazardous materials through Washington County, Tennessee. This type of study is essential in identifying risks posed from the transportation of hazardous materials through rural communities.

Document Type

Thesis - unrestricted


Copyright by the authors.
