College of Public Health Works | Faculty Works by College | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the College of Public Health Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Appearance-Focused Intervention to Prevent Skin Cancer, Joel Hillhouse, Rob Turrisi, Jerod Stapleton, and June Robinson (2008)


Breast Cancer Fatalism: The Role of Women's Perceptions of the Health Care System, Allyson Hall, Amal J. Khoury, Ellen D.S. Lopez, Nedra Lisovicz, Amanda Avis-Williams, and Amal Mitra (2008)


Measuring Nonsolar Tanning Behavior: Indoor and Sunless Tanning, De Lazovich, Jo Ellen Stryker, Joni A. Mayer, Joel Hillhouse, Leslie K. Dennis, Latrice Pichon, Sherry Pagoto, Carolyn Heckman, Ardis Olson, Vilma Cokkinides, and Kevin Thompson (2008)


Peer Crowd Identification and Indoor Artificial UV Tanning Behavioral Tendencies, Jerod Stapleton, Rob Turrisi, and Joel Hillhouse (2008)


Phytates Reduce Uptake of Leucine and Glutamate but Not Lysine and Glucose From the Intestinal Lumen of Chickens: Short Communication, Edward Onyango, Elikplimi K. Asem, and Olayiwola Adeola (2008)


Self-Reported Substance Use and Sexual Behaviors Among Adolescents in a Rural State, Michael Dunn, Varaprasad Ilapogu, Lashan Taylor, C. Naney, Roger Blackwell, Regina Wilder, and C. Givens (2008)


Ventilatory and Metabolic Responses of Burrowing Owls, Athene Cunicularia, to Moderate and Extreme Hypoxia: Analysis of the Hypoxic Ventilatory Threshold vs. Hemoglobin Oxygen Affinity Relationship in Birds, Delbert Kilgore, Dona F. Boggs, Trevor J. Kilgore, Conrad Colby, Burl R. Williams, and Ryan W. Bavis (2008)


Eating Habits among Adolescents in Rural Southern Appalachia, Tiejian Wu, James Michael Stoots, James E. Florence, Michael R. Floyd, Jeromy Blake Snider, and Ryan D. Ward (2007)


Heterogeneous Reactions of Ozone and D-Limonene on Activated Carbon, T. A. Metts (2007)


Identification of Amino Acid Residues Required for Ferric-Anguibactin Transport in the Outer-Membrane Receptor FatA of Vibrio Anguillarum, Claudia S. López, Alejandro F. Alice, Ranjan Chakraborty, and Jorge H. Crosa (2007)


Measuring Outcomes of Alcohol, Marijuana, and Cocaine Use Among College Students: A Preliminary Test of the Shortened Inventory of Problems - Alcohol and Drugs (SIP-AD), Wayne Gillespie, Jessica Lyne Holt, and Roger Lee Blackwell (2007)


Mediating Variables in a Parent Based Intervention to Reduce Skin Cancer Risk in Children, Rob Turrisi, Joel Hillhouse, June K. Robinson, and Jerod Stapleton (2007)


Patterns of Indoor Tanning Use: Implications for Clinical Interventions, Joel Hillhouse, Rob Turrisi, and Alan L. Shields (2007)


Rural Health Professions Education at East Tennessee State University: Survey of Graduates From the First Decade of the Community Partnership Program, Joseph A. Florence, Bruce Goodrow, Joy Wachs, Susan Grover, and Kenneth E. Olive (2007)


Blood Concentrations of Selected Volatile Organic Compounds and Neurobehavioral Performance in a Population-Based Sample, Tiejian Wu, Abhijeet J. Bhanegaonkar, and Joanne W. Flowers (2006)


Characterization of 'Schizokinen'; A Dihydroxamate-Type Siderophore Produced by Rhizobium Leguminosarum IARI 917, E. Storey, R. Boghozian, James L. Little, Douglas W. Lowman, and R. Chakraborty (2006)


Ethical Considerations in Testing Workers for the -Glu69 Marker of Genetic Susceptibility to Chronic Beryllium Disease, Ken Silver and Richard R. Sharp (2006)


Influence of Parent and Child Characteristics on a Parent-Based Intervention to Reduce Unsafe Sun Practices in Children 9 to 12 Years Old, Rob Turrisi, Joel Hillhouse, June Robinson, Jerod Stapleton, and Malissa Adams (2006)


Training community health workers to reduce health disparities in Alabama's Black Belt: The Pine Apple Heart Disease and Stroke Project, Melissa Kuhajda, Carol E. Cornell, J. Nell Brownstein, Mary Ann Littleton, Varena G. Stalker, Vera A. Bittner, Cora E. Lewis, and James M. Raczynski (2006)


Comparative Aquatic Toxicity Evaluation of 2-(Thiocyanomethylthio) Benzothiazole and Selected Degradation Products Using Ceriodaphnia Dubia, S. T. Nawrocki, K. D. Drake, C. F. Watson, G. D. Foster, and K. J. Maier (2005)


A Group II Intron-Type Open Reading Frame From the Thermophile Bacillus (Geobacillus) Stearothermophilus Encodes a Heat-Stable Reverse Transcriptase, Jaishree Vellore, Samuel E. Moretz, and Bert C. Lampson (2004)


An Application of Multidisciplinary Education to a Campus-Community Partnership to Reduce Motor Vehicle Accidents, Bruce Goodrow, Gary Scherzer, and Jim Florence (2004)


Examination of the Short-Term Efficacy of a Parent-Based Intervention to Prevent Skin Cancer, Rob Turrisi, Joel Hillhouse, Sarah Heavin, June Robinson, Malissa Adams, and Jessica Berry (2004)


Relationship of Alcohol Drinking Pattern to Risk of Hypertension: A Population-Based Study, Saverio Stranges, Tiejian Wu, Joan M. Dorn, Jo L. Freudenheim, Paola Muti, Eduardo Farinaro, Marcia Russell, Thomas H. Nochajski, and Maurizio Trevisan (2004)


Blood Lead and Sexual Maturation in U.S. girls: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994, Tiejian Wu, Germaine M. Buck, and Pauline Mendola (2003)


Comparison of in Vivo (Draize Method) and in Vitro (Corrositex Assay) Dermal Corrosion Values for Selected Industrial Chemicals, Jody L. Stobbe, Kevin D. Drake, and Kurt J. Maier (2003)


Response, Kurt J. Maier, Jody L. Stobbe, and Kevin D. Drake (2003)


A Partial Copy of msDNA From a New Retron Element Is Likely a Retrotransposed DNA Found in the Myxobacterium Nannocystis exedens, Bert C. Lampson, Chunying Xu, Scott A. Rice, and Sumiko Inouye (2002)


Dendrochemical Analysis of Lead and Calcium in Southern Appalachian American Beech, Suzanne Fisher, N. S. Nicholas, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2002)


Examination of the Efficacy of An Appearance-Focused Intervention to Reduce UV Exposure, Joel J. Hillhouse and Rob Turrisi (2002)


Toxicity of Boron to the Duckweed, Spirodella Polyrrhiza, Shanna M. Davis, Kevin D. Drake, and Kurt J. Maier (2002)


Ultrastructure and Blood Supply of the Tegmentum Vasculosum in the Cochlea of the Duckling, Fred E. Hossler, Kenneth R. Olson, George Musil, and Michael I. McKamey (2002)


Effects of Dissolved Copper on Select Hematological, Biochemical, and Immunological Parameters of Wild Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss), G. M. Dethloff, H. C. Bailey, and K. J. Maier (2001)


Normal Human Fibroblasts Express Pattern Recognition Receptors for Fungal (1→3)-β-D-Glucans, P. Kougias, D. Wei, P. J. Rice, H. E. Ensley, J. Kalbfleisch, D. L. Williams, and I. W. Browder (2001)


A Simple Model of Stress, Burnout and Symptomatology in Medical Residents: A Longitudinal Study, J. J. Hillhouse, C. M. Adler, and D. N. Walters (2000)

Dieldrin Induces Cytosolic [3H]7, 12-Dimethylbenz[a]Anthracene Binding but Not Multidrug Resistance Proteins in Rainbow Trout Liver, L. R. Curtis, M. J. Hemmer, and L A. Courtney


Modeling Tanning Salon Behavioral Tendencies Using Appearance Motivation, Self-Monitoring and the Theory of Planned Behavior, Joel J. Hillhouse, Rob Turrisi, and Monica Kastner (2000)


An Examination of Psychological Variables Relevant to Artificial Tanning Tendencies, Joel Hillhouse, Robert Turrisi, Frank Holwiski, and Scott McVeigh (1999)


Functional Assessment-Based Intervention Research on Students With or at Risk for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in School Settings, Kelly Heckaman, Maureen Conroy, James Fox, and Andrea Chait (1999)


Use of the Aquatic Oligochaetes Lumbriculus Variegatus and Tubifex Tubifex for Assessing the Toxicity of Copper and Cadmium in Spiked-Sediment Toxicity Bioassay, Kimberly K. Chapman, Michael J. Benton, Ralph O. Brinkhurst, and Phillip R. Scheuerman (1999)


Examination of Cognitive Variables Relevant to Sunbathing, Rob Turrisi, Joel Hillhouse, and Chelle Gebert (1998)


Relaxation of Isolated Human Myometrial Muscle by beta2-Adrenergic Receptors but Not beta1-Adrenergic Receptors, Ying L. Liu, Uchenna C. Nwosu, and P. J. Rice


Research Issues in Functional Assessment of the Challenging Behaviors of Students With Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Fox James, Maureen Conroy, and Kelly Heckaman (1998)


Ventricular Myxoma Presenting as Acute Visual Loss., W. S. Abo-Auda, B. S. Chidambaram, K. Baker, and J. Whitaker (1998)


Investigating Stress Effect Patterns in Hospital Staff Nurses: Results of a Cluster Analysis, Joel J. Hillhouse and Christine M. Adler (1997)


Predictors of Sunbathing and Sunscreen Use in College Undergraduates, Joel J. Hillhouse, Arthur W. Stair, and Christine M. Adler (1996)


Teratogenic Potential of Atrazine and 2,4-D Using Fetax, M. K. Morgan, Phillip R. Scheuerman, C. S. Bishop, and Rebecca A. Pyles (1996)


Scaling of Hypercapnic Ventilatory Responsiveness in Birds and Mammals, Burl R. Williams, Dona F. Boggs, and Delbert L. Kilgore (1995)


Laboratory Studies of Virus Survival During Aerobic and Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge, Phillip R. Scheuerman, Samuel R. Farrah, and Gabriel Bitton (1991)


Stress, Health, and Immunity: A Review of the Literature and Implications for the Nursing Profession, Joel Hillhouse and Christine Adler (1991)


Disseminated Echovirus Infection in a Patient With Multiple Myeloma and a Functional Defect in Complement. Treatment With Intravenous Immunoglobulin, J. K. Smith, D. S. Chi, J. Guarderas, P. Brown, A. Verghese, and S. L. Berk (1989)


Venographic Changes Associated with Seeded and Nonseeded Vena Cava Grafting, Nghia M. vo, Loretta H. Arbogast, Bradley Arbogast, Paul E. Stanton, and Mike McKamey (1988)


Effective Compliance Strategies, V. A. Sikora and J. Harrison (1981)


Proving Environmental Health Violations, V. Sikora (1981)


Single Parent Attitudes Toward Sex Education, Robert D. Patton (1981)


Lawful Inspections, V. A. Sikora (1979)

Book Contributions


HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND): Relative Risk Factors, Sindhura Kompella, Thabit Al-Khateeb, Ossama A. Riaz, Sylvester O. Orimaye, Patrick O. Sodeke, Adeola O. Awujoola, Joseph Ikekwere, and Karl Goodkin (2021)

The Role of Community Pharmacy in Addressing and Preventing Opioid Use Disorder, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2019)

An Ecological Model of Health Care Access Disparities for Children, Xiaoxin Kuang, Kiana R. Johnson, Karen Schetzina, Claudia Kozinetz, and David L. Wood (2017)


Central Nervous System Stimulants and Drugs That Suppress Appetite, Nicholas T. Bello and Matthew R. Zahner (2017)


Hazardous Waste, Ken Silver, Gary A. Davis, and Denny Dobbin (2017)


The Journey to Accreditation: Clinton County Health Department, Kate Beatty, Michael Meit, O. Luzzi, A. Siegfried, Megan Heffernan, T. Nadel, and M. Searing (2017)


Child Obesity and Health, Youfa Wang and Liang Wang (2016)


Genes Associated with Alcohol Withdrawal, Kesheng Wang and Liang Wang (2016)


Motivations for Indoor Tanning: Theoretical Models, Joel J. Hillhouse and Rob Turrisi (2016)

The Family Check-up in a Pediatric Clinic and Behavior in the Home Environment, S. Courtney Smith, Karen E. Schetzina, Jodi Polaha, Katie Baker, and David Wood (2016)


Weighted Multiple Testing Correction for Correlated Endpoints in Survival Data, Changchun Xie, Enas Ghulam, Aimin Chen, Kesheng Wang, Susan M. Pinney, and Christopher Lindsell (2015)


A Systematic Review of Intervention Efforts to Reduce Indoor Tanning, Rob Turrisi, Joel J. Hillhouse, Kimberly Mallett, Jerod L. Stapleton, and June K. Robinson (2012)

Substance Abuse, Michael S. Dunn, Bruce A. Behringer, and Kristine H. Bowers (2012)


The Depth of Rural Health Disparities in America: ABCDE's, James Florence, Robert P. Pack, Jodi L. Southerland, and Randolph F. Wykoff (2012)


Prokaryotic Reverse Transcriptases, Bert C. Lampson (2007)

Conference Proceedings


Authentic Research in the Classroom Increases Appreciation for Plants in Undergraduate Biology Students, Anna C. Hiatt, Alisa A. Hove, Jennifer R. Ward, Liane Ventura, Howard S. Neufeld, Amy E. Boyd, H. D. Clarke, Jonathan L. Horton, and Zack E. Murrell (2021)

Co-Benefits of Global and Domestic Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Air Quality and Human Health, J. Jason West, Yuqiang Zhang, Steven J. Smith, Raquel A. Silva, Jared H. Bowden, Vaishali Naik, Ying Li, Dennis Gilfillan, Zachariah Adelman, Meridith M. Fry, Susan C. Anenberg, Larry Horowitz, and Jean Francois Lamarque (2017)


Health Information Seeking and Its Associated Factors Among University Students: A Case in a Middle-Income Setting, Tesfahun M. Yilma, Anushia Inthiran, Daniel Reidpath, and Sylvester Olubolu Orimaye (2017)


Challenges, Changes, and Opportunities in Ngb Coach Education From 2003-2015, Anna Swisher and Andy R. Dotterweich (2015)


Using Benefits Based Models to Manage Sport Performance Enhancement Groups, Anna Swisher, Andy R. Dotterweich, Sterlynn Clendenin, Mauro Palmero, Amy E. Greene, Joseph T. Abbott, Heather Habbott, and Jana Hollins (2013)

Ecological Risk Assessment of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles, Lok R. Pokhrel and Phillip R. Scheuerman (2012)


Protection Against Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in tlr4-Deficient Mice Is Mediated Through a Phosmolecular Mechanism of Ferricsiderophore Passage Through the Outer Membrane Receptor Proteins of Escherichia Coliphoinositide 3-Kinase-Dependent Mechanism, Ranjan Chakraborty, Erin Storey, and Dick Van Der Helm (2007)

Voluntary Environmental Compliance: Using Influential Tactics and Motivation to Gain Compliance, Laura Phillips, Creg Bishop, and Philip Scheuerman (2007)


Fate of Microbial Indicators and Viruses in a Forested Wetland, Phillip R. Scheuerman, G. Bitton, and S. R. Farrah (1988)



The Intergenerational Cycles of Rural Health, Randy Wykoff (2020)


Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems: Recommendations to Regulate Their Use, Hadii M. Mamudu, Timothy Sanborn, and Page D. Dobbs (2019)


Intraoperative Transfusion Guidelines: Promoting Clinician Adherence in the Operating Room, Daniel Hagaman, Michael A. Pilla, and Jesse M. Ehrenfeld (2018)


High Prevalence of Tobacco Use and Exposure to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Among Adolescents in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Liang Wang, Hadii M. Mamudu, Candice Collins, and Youfa Wang (2017)


Skin Cancer Risk Behaviors: A Conceptual Framework for Complex Behavioral Change, Joel Hillhouse and Rob Turrisi (2005)



Corrigendum to “Amiodarone Induces Cell Proliferation and Myofibroblast Differentiation via ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK Signaling in Fibroblasts” (Biomedicine & Amp; Pharmacotherapy (2019) 115, (S0753332218378752), (10.1016/j.biopha.2019.108889)), Jie Weng, Mengyun Tu, Peng Wang, Xiaoming Zhou, Chuanyi Wang, Xinlong Wan, Zhiliang Zhou, Liang Wang, Xiaoqun Zheng, Junjian Li, Chan Chen, Zhiyi Wang, and Zhibin Wang (2019)


Erratum: Author Correction: Midbrain Circuit Regulation of Individual Alcohol Drinking Behaviors in Mice (Nature Communications (2017) 8 1 (2220)), Barbara Juarez, Carole Morel, Stacy M. Ku, Yutong Liu, Hongxing Zhang, Sarah Montgomery, Hilledna Gregoire, Efrain Ribeiro, Marshall Crumiller, Ciorana Roman-Ortiz, Jessica J. Walsh, Kelcy Jackson, Denise E. Croote, Yingbo Zhu, Song Zhang, Leandro F. Vendruscolo, Scott Edwards, Amanda Roberts, Georgia E. Hodes, Yongke Lu, Erin S. Calipari, Dipesh Chaudhury, Allyson K. Friedman, and Ming Hu Han (2018)


Correction: "Myeloid Cell-Specific Knockout of NFI-A Improves Sepsis Survival [Infection and Immunity,, 85, 4, (2017), (e00066-17)] doi: 10.1128/IAI.00066-17, Melissa B. McPeak, Dima Youssef, Danielle A. Williams, Christopher Pritchett, Zhi Q. Yao, Charles E. McCall, and Mohamed El Gazzar (2017)


Erratum: Heterogeneous Reactions of Ozone and D-Limonene on Activated Carbon (Indoor Air (2007) 17 (362 371)), T. A. Metts and S. A. Batterman (2007)



Prevalence Differentiations of Periodontitis by Diabetic Status Among US Adults, Ying Liu, Ronghai Bie, Laura R. Iwasaki, and Jeffrey C. Nickel (2018)


Indoor Tanning Initiation Among Tanners in the United States, Meg Watson, Meredith Shoemaker, and Katie Baker (2017)


Response to the Letter to the Editor Regarding “Smoking and Coronary Heart Disease in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”, Lixin Li, Chun Xu, and Ke Sheng Wang (2017)


The Effect of Initial Indoor Tanning With Mother on Current Tanning Patterns, Mary Kate Baker, Joel James Hillhouse, and Xuefeng Liu (2010)


Association of Frequent Indoor UV Tanning With Seasonal Affective Disorder [1], Joel Hillhouse, Jerod Stapleton, and Rob Turrisi (2005)


Access to Environmental Information [1], Ken Silver (2004)



Thoughts and Consideration Regarding Immigrant Clinicians: Is Cultural Preservation Influencing Providers’ Practice in HPV Vaccination, Kimlin T. Ashing, Camille Ragin, Oluwatosin Ariyo, Arya Amini, Marshalee George, and Jacqueline Ford (2021)


The Recommended Critical Component Elements of an Undergraduate Major in Public Health, Randy Wykoff, Donna Petersen, and Elizabeth Mc Weist (2013)



Issue Brief: Health Disparities Related to Obesity in Appalachia, Practical Strategies and Recommendations for Communities, Kate Beatty, Nathan Hale, and Michael Meit (2019)


Issue Brief: Health Disparities Related to Opioid Misuse in Appalachia, Practical Strategies and Recommendations for Communities, Kate Beatty, Nathan Hale, and Michael Meit (2019)


Issue Brief: Health Disparities Related to Smoking in Appalachia, Practical Strategies and Recommendations for Communities, Kate Beatty, Nathan Hale, and Michael Meit (2019)