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Computers don’t cope well with infinite, but that’s pretty much what the real world is about, limitless accuracy with as near to limitless boundaries as can be imagined. So how do we fit infinite inside the computer? That’s what this episode is about: converting analog measurements to binary with suitable accuracy. And we will do all of this with an eye to using these techniques later in our applications.

Adapting Materials

For ease of adapting the materials, audio and transcripts are available to download.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Author's Website

Visit the author's website for more information.


Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals Series was created as part of the East Tennessee State University’s Open Educational Resources (OERs) Awards Program.

Document Type


Episode-2.5-Transcript.pdf (110 kB)
Episode 2.5 – Binary Representation of Analog Values: Fitting Infinite Inside a Computer Transcript in PDF

Episode-2.5-Transcript.docx (15 kB)
Episode 2.5 – Binary Representation of Analog Values: Fitting Infinite Inside a Computer Transcript in Word
