Community and Behavioral Health Works | Faculty Works By Department | East Tennessee State University

The following citations represent the scholarly and/or creative works attributed to East Tennessee State University faculty with SelectedWorks profiles. Browse the href=" target="_blank"">Community and Behavioral Health Expert Gallery to view their SelectedWorks Profiles.

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Epidemiologic Criminology: Drug Use Among African American Gang Members, Mark M. Lanier, Robert P. Pack, and Timothy A. Akers (2009)


Appearance Motives to Tan and Not Tan: Evidence for Validity and Reliability of a New Scale, Guy Cafri, J. Kevin Thompson, Megan Roehrig, Ariz Rojas, Steffanie Sperry, Paul B. Jacobsen, and Joel Hillhouse (2008)


Self-Reported Substance Use and Sexual Behaviors Among Adolescents in a Rural State, Michael Dunn, Varaprasad Ilapogu, Lashan Taylor, C. Naney, Roger Blackwell, Regina Wilder, and C. Givens (2008)


A Randomized Controlled Trial of an Appearance-Focused Intervention to Prevent Skin Cancer, Joel Hillhouse, Rob Turrisi, Jerod Stapleton, and June Robinson (2008)


Measuring Nonsolar Tanning Behavior: Indoor and Sunless Tanning, De Lazovich, Jo Ellen Stryker, Joni A. Mayer, Joel Hillhouse, Leslie K. Dennis, Latrice Pichon, Sherry Pagoto, Carolyn Heckman, Ardis Olson, Vilma Cokkinides, and Kevin Thompson (2008)


Peer Crowd Identification and Indoor Artificial UV Tanning Behavioral Tendencies, Jerod Stapleton, Rob Turrisi, and Joel Hillhouse (2008)


Rural Health Professions Education at East Tennessee State University: Survey of Graduates From the First Decade of the Community Partnership Program, Joseph A. Florence, Bruce Goodrow, Joy Wachs, Susan Grover, and Kenneth E. Olive (2007)


Measuring Outcomes of Alcohol, Marijuana, and Cocaine Use Among College Students: A Preliminary Test of the Shortened Inventory of Problems - Alcohol and Drugs (SIP-AD), Wayne Gillespie, Jessica Lyne Holt, and Roger Lee Blackwell (2007)


Patterns of Indoor Tanning Use: Implications for Clinical Interventions, Joel Hillhouse, Rob Turrisi, and Alan L. Shields (2007)


Mediating Variables in a Parent Based Intervention to Reduce Skin Cancer Risk in Children, Rob Turrisi, Joel Hillhouse, June K. Robinson, and Jerod Stapleton (2007)


Eating Habits among Adolescents in Rural Southern Appalachia, Tiejian Wu, James Michael Stoots, James E. Florence, Michael R. Floyd, Jeromy Blake Snider, and Ryan D. Ward (2007)


Training community health workers to reduce health disparities in Alabama's Black Belt: The Pine Apple Heart Disease and Stroke Project, Melissa Kuhajda, Carol E. Cornell, J. Nell Brownstein, Mary Ann Littleton, Varena G. Stalker, Vera A. Bittner, Cora E. Lewis, and James M. Raczynski (2006)


Influence of Parent and Child Characteristics on a Parent-Based Intervention to Reduce Unsafe Sun Practices in Children 9 to 12 Years Old, Rob Turrisi, Joel Hillhouse, June Robinson, Jerod Stapleton, and Malissa Adams (2006)


An Application of Multidisciplinary Education to a Campus-Community Partnership to Reduce Motor Vehicle Accidents, Bruce Goodrow, Gary Scherzer, and Jim Florence (2004)


Examination of the Efficacy of An Appearance-Focused Intervention to Reduce UV Exposure, Joel J. Hillhouse and Rob Turrisi (2002)


A Simple Model of Stress, Burnout and Symptomatology in Medical Residents: A Longitudinal Study, J. J. Hillhouse, C. M. Adler, and D. N. Walters (2000)


Modeling Tanning Salon Behavioral Tendencies Using Appearance Motivation, Self-Monitoring and the Theory of Planned Behavior, Joel J. Hillhouse, Rob Turrisi, and Monica Kastner (2000)


An Examination of Psychological Variables Relevant to Artificial Tanning Tendencies, Joel Hillhouse, Robert Turrisi, Frank Holwiski, and Scott McVeigh (1999)


Ventricular Myxoma Presenting as Acute Visual Loss., W. S. Abo-Auda, B. S. Chidambaram, K. Baker, and J. Whitaker (1998)


Examination of Cognitive Variables Relevant to Sunbathing, Rob Turrisi, Joel Hillhouse, and Chelle Gebert (1998)


Investigating Stress Effect Patterns in Hospital Staff Nurses: Results of a Cluster Analysis, Joel J. Hillhouse and Christine M. Adler (1997)


Predictors of Sunbathing and Sunscreen Use in College Undergraduates, Joel J. Hillhouse, Arthur W. Stair, and Christine M. Adler (1996)


Stress, Health, and Immunity: A Review of the Literature and Implications for the Nursing Profession, Joel Hillhouse and Christine Adler (1991)

Book Contributions

The Role of Community Pharmacy in Addressing and Preventing Opioid Use Disorder, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2019)

The Family Check-up in a Pediatric Clinic and Behavior in the Home Environment, S. Courtney Smith, Karen E. Schetzina, Jodi Polaha, Katie Baker, and David Wood (2016)


Motivations for Indoor Tanning: Theoretical Models, Joel J. Hillhouse and Rob Turrisi (2016)


The Depth of Rural Health Disparities in America: ABCDE's, James Florence, Robert P. Pack, Jodi L. Southerland, and Randolph F. Wykoff (2012)


A Systematic Review of Intervention Efforts to Reduce Indoor Tanning, Rob Turrisi, Joel J. Hillhouse, Kimberly Mallett, Jerod L. Stapleton, and June K. Robinson (2012)



Skin Cancer Risk Behaviors: A Conceptual Framework for Complex Behavioral Change, Joel Hillhouse and Rob Turrisi (2005)



Indoor Tanning Initiation Among Tanners in the United States, Meg Watson, Meredith Shoemaker, and Katie Baker (2017)


The Effect of Initial Indoor Tanning With Mother on Current Tanning Patterns, Mary Kate Baker, Joel James Hillhouse, and Xuefeng Liu (2010)


Association of Frequent Indoor UV Tanning With Seasonal Affective Disorder [1], Joel Hillhouse, Jerod Stapleton, and Rob Turrisi (2005)



Combatting Childhood Obesity: A Call to Action for Community Groups in Central Appalachia, Kate Beatty, Michael Meit, Megan Heffernan, Paula Masters, Deborah Slawson, Ginny Kidwell, James Fey, and Alyssa Lovelace (2016)

Combatting Childhood Obesity: A Call to Action for Funders in Central Appalachia, Kate Beatty, Michael Meit, Megan Heffernan, Paula Masters, Deborah Slawson, Ginny Kidwell, James Fey, and Alyssa Lovelace (2016)


Combatting Childhood Obesity: A Call to Action for Policymakers in Central Appalachia, Kate Beatty, Michael Meit, Megan Heffernan, Paula Masters, Deborah Slawson, Ginny Kidwell, James Fey, and Alyssa Lovelace (2016)


Barriers to Improving Contraceptive Practices, Oluwatosin Ariyo, Amal J. Khoury, M. G. Smith, Edward Leinaar, F. O. Odebunmi, and Deborah Slawson (2020)


Opioids: Program Evaluation Challenges and the Need for New Evaluation Scholarship, Robert P. Pack, Anne C. Hazlett, Brandon D. Marshall, and Regina LaBelle (2020)

Perceptions of Community-dwelling Patients and Caregivers of Patient-Centered Care in Central Appalachia: An Exploratory Study, Kristy J. Gagnon MPH; Mary Ann Littleton PhD; Amy M. Poole MSc; Cynthia J. Blair BA; Timir K. Paul MD, PhD; Ginny Kidwell MA; Liang Wang MD, PhD; Vicki Casenburg BA; Lynn Frierson BA; Rob Gregory BA; Carl Voigt BA; and Hadii M. Mamudu PhD, MPA

Primary Care Physician and Community Pharmacist Opioid-Related Communication and Screening Behaviors, Tyler C. Melton, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Kelly N. Foster, Jesse Arnold, Billy Brooks, Arsham Alamian, and Robert P. Pack (2019)

Tobacco Policy Findings from a Community-Based Capacity Assessment Used to Develop a Population Health Improvement Plan for Tobacco Control in Appalachian Tennessee., Fenose Osedeme, Mary Ann Littleton PhD, Hadii Mamudu, Crystal Robertson, Daniel Owusu, and Liang Wang

A Qualitative Research Synthesis of Contextual Factors Contributing To Female Overweight and Obesity over the Life Course in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ifeoma Ozodiegwu, Mary Ann Ann Littleton Ph.D., Megan Quinn, and Hadii Mamudu

Public Health Initiatives to Address the Opioid Crisis, Robert P. Pack (2019)

Pharmacist and Physician Engagement in Tertiary Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder, Aaron J. Salwan, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Kelly N. Foster, Jesse Arnold, Billy Brooks, Arsham Alamian, and Robert P. Pack (2019)

Community Pharmacist Engagement in Co-Dispensing Naloxone to Patients at Risk for Opioid Overdose, A. Salwan, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Karilynn Dowling, Kelly N. Foster, J. Arnold, Arsham Alamian, and Robert P. Pack (2019)

What About Food? Food Insecurity Screening in the Clinical Setting, Liane Ventura and Mary Ann Littleton Ph.D.

Maternal Correlates of Cardiometabolic Risk in Hispanic Children, Basil A. Alhassan, Ying Liu, Deborah Slawson, Jonathan Peterson, Jo-Ann Marrs, W. Andrew Clark, Liang Wang, Elaine Loudermilk, and Arshman Alamian (2018)

Food Group Intake and Cardiometabolic Risk in Hispanic Children, Basil A. Alhassan, Ying Liu, Deborah Slawson, Jonathan Peterson, Jo-Ann Marrs, W. Andrew Clark, Liang Wang, Ogbebor E. Omoike, and Arshman Alamian (2018)

Impact of Poverty in Tennessee, Kate Beatty, Olivia Egen, and Randy Wykoff (2018)

Community Activation, Collaboration, and Communication, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2018)

Let’s Talk About It: Communication Research in Pharmacy and Primary Care Settings, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2018)

Red Flags, Communication, and Referral to Treatment, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2018)

Up Close and Personal: Shared Accountability & Sustainable Solutions to Address the Opioid Epidemic, Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2018)

The Center for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment: A Community-University Partnership, Nicholas E. Hagemeier and S. T. Melton (2018)


Identifying Motivators and Barriers for Wellness Programs to Inform Recruitment and Retention of Diabetes Prevention Programs (DPPs), Beenish Kamran, Kate Beatty, LeighAnne Hurst, and Deborah L. Slawson

Health Communication Strategies Among Non-Profit Organizations in Appalachia, McKenzie Liegel and Jodi L. Southerland


Increasing Fruits and vegetable consumption among SNAP recipients through an innovative prescription program: Appalachian Farmacy, Kiriinya Mwirigi and Beenish Kamran


Association between Alzheimer's disease and Rural Northeast Tennessee Region between 2013 and 2015, Sylvester Olubolu Orimaye and Jodi Southerland

A University-Community Response to the Opioid Epidemic, Robert P. Pack, Angela Hagaman, and A. McCaffrey (2018)

A University-Community Response to the Opioid Epidemic, Robert P. Pack, Angela Hagaman, and A. McCaffrey (2018)

DUAL METHOD USE IN A SAMPLE OF COLLEGE-AGED WOMEN, Anthony Peluso, Katie Baker, and Joel Hillhouse

Pharmacists’ Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Communication Behaviors: Prevalence and Correlates, C. Roberts, A. Caliano, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, A. Salwan, Kelly N. Foster, Arsham Alamian, J. Arnold, and Robert P. Pack (2018)

Exploring Adverse Childhood Experiences Among Mothers and Daughters in South Central Appalachia, Katie Baker, Megan Quinn, T. Ariyo, Anthony Peluso, M. Smyth, A. Cano, A. Peterson, K. Mwirigi, and H.O. Owens (2017)


Modification of the Adverse Childhood Experiences International Questionnaire for Cultural Competency: Methods for Understanding Childhood Trauma in Low-Resource Settings, Katie Baker, Megan Quinn, Kathleen Collins, Gabrielle Caldara, Heather Owens, Ifeoma Ozodiegwu, Elaine Loudermilk, and Jill Stinson (2017)

Stopping the Spread by Using Sterile Needles Instead: A Rural Community Pharmacy Hepatitis C/HIV Prevention Feasibility Study, Karilynn Dowling, Taylor Riedley, MacKenzie Broome, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2017)

State of Tennessee. Understanding the impact of income, Olivia Egen, Kate E. Beatty, and Randy Wykoff (2017)

Reducing Childhood Obesity and Chronic Disease in Central Appalachia, James Fey, Alyssa Lovelace, Kate E. Beatty, Ginny Kidwell, Paula Masters, and Deborah Slawson (2017)

Highly Infectious Disease Training for Law Enforcement/First Responders: Collaboration to Strengthen Preparedness Capacity, Paula Masters, Megan Quinn, G. Galfano, and Samuel Pettyjohn (2017)


Biosand Water Filter Evaluation: Pilot Study of Field Use Indicators, Bethesda O'Connell, Megan Quinn, Phillip Scheuerman, and Deborah Slawson (2017)

Empowering Appalachia: Preventing HIV through Harm Reduction, Robert P. Pack (2017)

Ethical Considerations Concerning Methadone and Suboxone Treatments, Robert P. Pack (2017)

Intersections: Finding Answers in Collaboration with Communities, Robert P. Pack (2017)

Lessons Learned a Decade into the Opioid Epidemic, Robert P. Pack (2017)

Opioid Use Disorder, Robert P. Pack (2017)

System-level Approaches to the Opioid Use Disorder Epidemic, Robert P. Pack (2017)

Forum hosts: Tennessee State Task Force on Opioids, Robert P. Pack, Angela Hagaman, and Nicholas Hagemeier (2017)

Cross-Sector Collaboration to Address the Prescription Drug Misuse Crisis, Robert P. Pack and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2017)

Liberal Education and Professional Education Approaches to Undergraduate Training in Public Health, Robert P. Pack, M. Kiviniemi, and S. Mackenzie (2017)


Combating Obesity-Related Disease in Central Appalachia with Community-Supported Interventions, Kate Beatty, Michael Meit, Megan Heffernan, Paula Masters, Deborah Slawson, Ginny Kidwell, James Fey, and Alyssa Lovelace (2016)

Prescriber and Pharmacist Prescription Drug Abuse Communication Perceptions, S. Brewster, Fred Tudiver, E. Hagy, Angela Hagaman, Robert E. Pack, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2016)

Reducing Childhood Obesity and Chronic Disease in Central Appalachia, Tyler Carpenter, Alyssa Lovelace, Kate E. Beatty, Ginny Kidwell, Paula Masters, and Deborah Slawson (2016)

"Don't be Afraid...We're Researchers!": The Impact of Informal Contact Language on Response Rates and Patterns of Response, Kelly N. Foster, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Arsham Alamian, Robert P. Pack, and Rajkumar J. Sevak (2016)

Documenting and Mapping Health Disparities in Central Appalachia: Obesity and Chronic Disease Mortality, Michael Meit, Kate E. Beatty, Megan Heffernan, Paula Masters, Deborah Slawson, Ginny Kidwell, James Fey, and Alyssa Lovelace (2016)

Opioid Use in Tennessee: Lessons Learned, Robert P. Pack (2016)

Prescription Drug Abuse a Decade into the Epidemic: Lessons learned in Tennessee, Robert P. Pack (2016)

Prescription Drug Abuse a Decade into the Epidemic: Lessons learned in Tennessee, Robert P. Pack (2016)


Prescription Drug Abuse a Decade into the Epidemic: Lessons Learned in Tennessee, Robert P. Pack (2016)

Substance Use Disorder in Central Appalachia: Challenges for Cultural Competency, Robert P. Pack and Samantha A. Mathis (2016)


Substance Use Disorder in Appalachia: Challenges for Cultural Competency, J P. Polaha and Robert P. Pack Public Health (2016)

Nonmedical Use of Prescription Stimulants among Community College Students in Tennessee, Rajkumar J. Sevak, Kelly N. Foster, Arsham Alamian, Robert P. Pack, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2016)

Reach, Effectiveness, and Adoption of the Family Check-Up in a Pediatric Primary Care Setting in Northeast Tennessee: An Interprofessional Collaboration, Katie Baker, R. Dean, S. C. Smith, D. Petgrave, C. Rowe, Karen Schetzina, and Jodi Polaha (2015)

The ETSU Prescription Drug Abuse/Misuse Working Group: A Case Study for Inter-professional Research and Training in South Central Appalachia, Billy Brooks, S. Warfield, Robert P. Pack, Jeffrey A. Gray, Arsham Alamian, A. M. Hagaman, and Nicholas E. Hagemeier (2015)

Implementation of the Family Check Up: Reach and Adoption in Primary Care, Rachel Dean, Courtney Smith, Jodi Polaha Jones, Karen E. Schetzina, and Katie Baker (2015)

Perceptions of Interprofessional Education Through the Eyes of Students: A Thematic Analysis, Catherine A. Freeland, Katie Baker, Rachel Dean, Jordan Masters, Hiral Patel, Jodi Polaha, and Tom Bishop (2015)

Correlates of Prescription Opioid Legitimacy Estimations among Community Pharmacists in Tennessee, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Arsham Alamian, M. M. Murawski, Robert P. Pack, H. Flippin, and H. Hagy (2015)

Prescriber and Dispenser Prescription Drug Abuse Communication andPrescribing/Dispensing Behaviors: A Qualitative Analysis, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Fred T. Tudiver, S. Brewster, E. J. Hagy, Angela Hagaman, and Robert P. Pack (2015)

Aligning Funding and Practice to Develop Sustainable Childhood Obesity Programming, Paula Masters, Alyssa Lovelace, Kate E. Beatty, and Deborah Slawson (2015)


ETSU DIDARP Project Update, Robert P. Pack (2015)


DIDARP Project Update, Robert P. Pack, Nicholas Hagemeier, and Billy Brooks (2015)


Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: The Science of Using Science, Robert P. Pack and J. Polaha (2015)

Yearly Trends in Controlled Substances Obtained via Permanent Drug Donation Boxes in Northeast Tennessee, Rajkumar J. Sevak, Billy Brooks, Jeffrey A. Gray, Arsham Alamian, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, and Robert P. Pack (2015)